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Posts posted by Jigghead

  1. Hi,


    I have been using a generic hydration pack for a while now and given the increased distances I am now riding, I need to upgrade to a 3l unit. I've been shopping around and can't seem to find any consensus on which Camelbak is the best for my use.


    I ride MTB 98% of the time and need something light and practical, a small amount of cargo storage for snacks etc. would be advantageous. The problem is there are so many variants out there; I’m not sure where to look first. Any ideas?





  2. Hi,


    I am just starting out with mountain biking and to be honest, am very confused. I went into the Cycle Lab and was quotes on an entry level Merida TFS100D (R5,000).


    All looked good, I went in today to actually buy it and they had run out of stock. The next one up was R8,000. Alternatively, I could purchase a Trek, same spec as the TFS100D (apparently) but it costs R6,700.


    Now I can probably push it to R7,000, but if the Trek is the same spec, why pay more? Apparently for a life time warranty on the frame! I have been told that a bike is only as good as its components and that I should be at least looking at hydraulic disk brakes. No problem there, I see the reasons here and I’m sold.


    So, my question is this, what bike and components would constitute beast value for money in my price bracket? And where would I find such a bike?


    Being new to the sport, I am not in a position to be sure if I’m just being ripped off or not. I live in Fourways and would like some alternative bike shops options to both Cajees (sic) and Cycle Lab.


    Any ideas?

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