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  1. On the topic of safety in Tokai, would anyopne like to get together somehow somewhere for a chat around the issue? Perhaps we can come up with suggestions? I know there have been many so far, but sometimes heads around a table can make a more positive contribution? Perhaps one Sunday morning after a ride or so? I go for coffee at Manuka's in Steenberg. Anyone want to join and chat about a mutual subject. I won't be there THIS Sunday, as I'm not here this weekedn, but maybe next Sunday? Or anywhe else? Mike
  2. Hmmm. Thanks for all the replies guys. Both neg and pos. To the negatives, I don't think this is the forum to start debating laws/religions/rights/wrongs. However, Nishiki, you weren't there so your criticism is invalid...until it happens to you .... AND ... I'm no "HERO". Take back your insinuation. There was another cyclist who two weeks ago had his head smashed in with a branch in same parking lot. He was unable to defend himself. His bike was stolen. He received 6 stitches to his face. I'm in that forest at 6:00 am in Winter in the dark with my fiance'. Riding. I WILL at any time use force to subdue an attacker. I have never subscribed to the notion of "handing it over" and or turning a blind eye. I will NOT be a victim. To defend one self and or to bring down an attacker, often, force IS required. The reason we have so many victims of crime, is due to people like you. To insinuate that I have commited a crime by kicking this cretin, puts you way off base. I think you have a slightly skewed view of what the word defend actually means, but if you are happy to remain a victim because of your beliefs, thats cool by me. Just don't complain if you get hit one day. For the record, it is alleged that this scumbag's accomplice in the bakkie did indeed have a gun! Whats your point? The scumbag in question was also armed with a screwdriver when I went for him. I was unarmed. Nishiki, If you would like to love your fellow criminal, feel free. I will continue to kick them in the head or wherever. It's MY bike/car/wallet/etc. As it is everyone else's property on this forum and elsewhere. So don't criticize me for my actions. The lady in question has already had to fork out money for insurance excess, time wasted, trauma etc. The thought of what else could have happened to her ghad she been there alone makes one shudder. At least I was able to give her hand bag back to her. Intact. Her ID still there. Bank cards still there etc. Try doing any transactions without your ID. It's just not possible today. Mike
  3. Hi Everyone, new to the forum. In reply to Ultimate Hubber, I caught the guy mentoned above. Yes, it did take place around 9:00 am in a packed parking lot. After I got him off the bakkie, I did kick him in the jaw, and dislodge a tooth or two. He spilled some blood!!! He was not alone tho. He had an accomplice in a cream bakkie. Below is a shortened version of what happened. I sent it off to the BKM Watch via a friend in Constantia. Trying to get hold of the other cyclist who noted the number of the bakkie. It would seem as if these %$#&^% are now trying to target Tokai forest. I'm there every Sunday morning, and if I can get away in the week, I'm there in the evening. As cycling is such a lonely sport its difficult to form proper security, but perhaps we need to talk to Chris at the Arboretum, and see what can be done over the longer term. Otherwise Anyway, this dick didnt get away. Neither did he get her bag. I gave it back to the young lady. I have urged her to continue the case, and NOT to drop the charges. We'll see. Regards Mike "Send this on to them: On Sunday September 30. approximately 8:45 Am, a coloured, possibly black, male youth approximately 23 yrs old, in broad daylight did a smash and grab out of a car in the parking lot. He tried to make his getaway via an accomplice in a cream bakkie. Fairly new by the looks of it, or just had a major respray. He jumped onto the bakkie urging the driver to "go" "go" "go". He was spotted breaking in by another cyclist who shouted at him. This alerted me, and I ran after them, and grabbed him off the bakkie. Along with my colleague, who helped I used the necessary force to restrain him, and he was arrested. The young lady got her bag back, minus a broken window. The bakkie driver drove away, but his reg number was handed to the police. They can use this in their incidence report. Mike"
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