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  1. To everyone here on the hub, I would like to thank you all for the kind words. I'm not a cyclists but have a lot of respect for them. I experienced it once as my aunt aunt (Thereza) caught with a race. She said its a 45km race, instead it was a 65km. It was the Campus to Campus race. Was fun but some motorists just don't care. We believe their wheels will keep on spinning in heaven. They died in something they loved, cycling! To all your cyclist, please drive safe.
  2. To everyone in the hub, I want to thank you for your sincere words. Know that the family appreciate it. I'm not a cyclist, by my aunt (Thereza) caught me once. Asked me to ride with her, would only be a 45km race. I ended up riding a 65km race. It was fun but I understand the danger on the roads with cars. Some really don't care. I got so much respect for cyclists as my aunt was one. Its a huge loss but we believe that their wheels will keep on spinning in heaven. Thank you again everyone! Please drive safe all of you!
  3. Regarding the accident of Thereza Kruger and Hendry, Thereza was my aunt and also my godmother. Its with great sadness that she passed away in such bad way. Just to clear everything, as I understand, a vw golf went past them with a speed which pulled them a bit in the road because of the force of the wind. A police van came from behind them and hit them. They will both be sorely missed. My aunt's place is empty, her voice gone, but the memories we have of her will forever remain in our hearts. My mom and my aunt is safely in heaven now. Poenie gaan baie gemis word. Rus in vrede tot ons weer mekaar sien! Lief Poenie baie! Xx
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