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Everything posted by vroom

  1. Hi - I'm looking for alternative insurance for my bicycle. Currently on CycleSure, but what a bunch of mickey mouse people this is. Completely unprofessional, and small minded. Anyway I need cover for racing as well. Your input is much appreciated. Thx vroom2010-02-24 05:54:07
  2. What's with all the advertising when one enters the Argus online. Its like a major irritation and waste of time when you're forced to pages to buy things and an Outsurance survey. Outsurance is a *$%* insurer on top of it! Please vent to info@cycletour.co.za - so that they are aware they cant treat us like a bunch of moegoes.
  3. Ok - I get the picture. Seems like IDT is going to be hard. So would you recommend a spin bike or Mag Trainer. I have the Elite mag/gel IDT. Seems to have little wear on tyres.
  4. I do drink Sportsfuel. Intensity is at 80-90% - I'm using the CTS DVDs - I have 6 of those DVDs. The easier ones climbing & race simulation is not that bad, but the others are really hard (on recovery). But does IDT vs outdoor differ that much? I hate to think what 2 hrs on an IDT will do to you.
  5. I drink 750ml for the hour IDT. IS that not enough.
  6. Why is it that after 1 hour of IDT, the next morning you feel like you were hit by a bus. This I experienced training on a spin bike and indoor trainer. Any ideas on how to address this, i.e. reduce the fatigue. Thanks
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