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Everything posted by Jono

  1. Thanks for the ideas, I will try rotating the tires and hopefully squeeze a few more km's out of them!
  2. Hey, I picked up a '08 Ex9 a few months ago and have been very happy with the purchase. I ride some technical and some XC and I find the bike is great for both, oh and I reckon it climbs well too
  3. I have a Maxxis Crossmark on the rear, it is down to a couple of mm tread in the middle. So it's ok on hard pack but starting to slip in loose stuff ... so time to replace??? Or do you wait till there is nothing left?
  4. Hi, I am considering getting a 2007 GT i-Drive 1.0, does anyone have one of these? and do you have any suggestions or reasons not to buy??? Thanks!
  5. Jono

    New mtb'er

    Hi Paule, I am selling my used GT Avalanche 1.0 disc. check out the link to the post: https://www.bikehub.co.za/forum_posts.asp?TID=39058&PID=627453#627453 Not sure what size you after? How tall are you?
  6. Great, thanks for the input everyone, Now all that remains is to negotiate a price I can afford with the seller!
  7. The Blur is XC and I will be riding XC, so nothing too technical
  8. Cool, so its coming down to the Giant and the Santa Cruz!
  9. Hi all, I am looking for opinions and hopefully people who actually ride any of the following bikes ( I have the choice of buying one of these). I am looking for opinons on the good the bad and the ugly!: Santa Cruz blur 2006 - mostly XT components Giant Anthem 2 2006 - upgraded with mostly XT components Stevens F9 2006 - mostly XT components ...
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