Hey legends, I'm a newbie to the tri scene, with one triathlon under my belt. I've registered for the two 5150's and the Midlands Ultra later this year. Currently only have a mountain bike, which one can use in all the events mentioned above, but, of course, this isn't ideal for the longer races. I remember reading a tweet by a pro triathlete and he said that he hardly ever (if ever) uses his TT bike to train, only the road bike. As I cannot afford both a TT and a road bike, I'm curious as to what you experienced athletes would suggest - do I spend my money on a TT or a road bike? From my inexperienced standpoint, I think buying a road bike may be a waste of money, if I'm simply going to replace it with a TT bike in the future (which is probably inevitable, as I'm taking triathlon training etc very seriously). I don't (nor do I intend to) do any road races, I only do triathlons and the occasional MTB event. Thanks for any input! B.