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  1. It was in reply to this; "And Besides, what help are the authorities these days ? - Oops did I just sterotype someone.." (post #71..)
  2. Now now, who said anything about "thousands of people who have had negative experiences with the police to not voice the opinion"? I simply stated my experience and how the police recovered the bike and for that I say well done to the SAPS for doing their job.
  3. So it's not ok for him to judge you or think that he knows you based on a statement that you made (and I agree with you on this one..) but it's ok for you to judge or profile someone based on he/she not "looking the part"? You're kind of contradicting yourself and actually agreeing that it's not ok to judge or stereotype people based on first impressions.
  4. Reporting something suspicious is NOT stereotyping anyone, these are two completely different things which should not be confused. Of course you should report something suspicious which is clearly different to stereotyping a person just because he doesn't look like he can afford an expensive bike. And this nonsense of bad mouthing the police needs to stop, they do what they can with the resources that they have. I reported a stolen bike last year around June July and less than 5 days later they recovered the bike, forum members that know me know this is true and I have pics to prove it ;-)
  5. If you see something suspicious then your duty is to report it to the authorities and NOT to confront the guy that's got the bike. People can't just stereotype others like that and I for one would love to see some clever guy asking where I, my wife or my daughter got our Specializeds from just because we didn't fit his preconceived profile of what a Specialized owner should look like, please.. Now IF someone posts news about their bike having been stolen and if there's pictures and someone sees what seems to be the same bike then yes, I can fully understand this but not out of the blue based of profiling someone. My 2 cents..
  6. Can anyone recommend a good place to get parts (rims, hubs etc..) anodized?
  7. Can anyone recommend a company to anodize rims and hubs?
  8. http://i.imgur.com/nuaC0CN.png http://www.reddit.com/r/funny/comments/1hlis2/when_i_showed_my_friends_my_bicycle_antitheft/
  9. Hey and here I thought that you were still busy p!issing someone else off that I saw the other day, have you finished with the guy that was trying to selling his brakes on the classifieds section (XT if I recall correctly)? Boy oh boy, aren't you the type that loves sticking his nose in other people's business
  10. Howdy partner, I'm glad to be of assistance! Just remember to bookmark this one for future reference
  11. Let me tell you something about how the universe works. Whatever you put out there comes back to you, threefold. Be careful what you wish upon others as I might end up getting hit by a taxi but you mon ami might just end up being hit by a bus. And for the last part of your comment I can only smile and think to myself, what a complete moron. Your comments still insinuate that I am riding against traffic when you've clearly seen my previous replies that state that I don't and never have, and you still don't get it? Why don't you move along and go contribute to another thread that requires less understanding because you're obviously having difficulty keeping up with this one.. :)
  12. Now you see, this is the type of comment I appreciate. It's obviously coming from someone that knows how to express his ideas even if it differs to mine and not try and STAMP his ideas onto others. Dude, triple +++1 to you (Y)
  13. Dude, what's wrong with you? I really don't feel like repeating myself again and again to now also tell you where I do and don't ride but if you must be reminded or if you simply didn't bother to read all posts, then here goes.., a) I asked a question which is not a proposal as you have stated in your comment, b) no one is riding on the right, it's called a poll for a reason and a thread for discussing what ever needs to be discussed, or not.., c) we don't do road biking, d) when we do need to go onto a road, we're talking about roads that are next to farms and not main roads, busy roads and sure as hell not highways and finally.. e) ask me questions that apply to how/where we ride on the road when we have to be on the road and not how you ride on the road (e.i. amount of time, busy/quiet roads/ busy intersections etc..) or how you assume that it would somehow apply to our riding. I suppose that the next thing you're going to say is that those joggers that were killed was because they were running against the traffic flow? What if instead of joggers it had been cyclists, would it have made a difference if they turned around and started running in the other direction and the same driver hit them from behind, would it? And now that I think of it, maybe you're all right, riding against the flow WILL get you killed but then you're all pretty f***d as well if you're on the left because all hope is lost once you throw certain variables into the equation, like a drunk driver coming from behind... Do yourself a favour and search the net and see how many videos you find of cyclists being ridden over by cars from behind and then for cyclists that got hit by cars from the front. Come back when you have those figures and then we can continue our discussion. There, wisdom has been shared now go fetch your GoPro and get those suicide cyclists on camera getting hit left right and centre at those busy intersections..
  14. Ok cool, then how about agreeing to reply to both questions?
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