Getting to the end now.... Everyone being polite, waiting for the first person to start dishing up..... Notice MichH counting to ensure everyone had made it back - well that's her story, I thought she was trying to work out if there was enough food for everyone........ The pilote thing never lasted very long.....everyone with a healthy breakfast plate full of food. Catering was done to perfection. The only time there was silence......well almost..... The reason most men MTB...... SP on the right trying to look cool with a mouth full of food and a camera shoved in her face. You can see what MH thinks of the attempt (on the right) Was told to re-take the pic, not sure if the first was meant to published though. (PS, you can rotate it yourself, this is very tedious) "My Hero" or "What a twit" you choose Notice the cool bike in the background.....a fine eye for quality. It was the hero cute..... Notice the bike in the background - was that mentioned already - how cool is that, a piece of engineering excellence. This is a Dirt Brain or Nutter - you can tell because it was the only time I got close enough to take a snap shot was when he was off his bike busy feeding. At least that proves they are human, only just. PS, the other person is trying to hold him down so I can get the shot - thanks for the help. More of the Nutter clan. See what happens when they are off teh bike for more than 10min, they get all grumpy..... more of the Nutters - at 15min, thinking of the next ride about to start Cool, like only a MTB'er can be Happy dude: Always with a smile Still ignoring me for calling him Gramps earlier on. That concludes the last of the Pics. Comments are my own if you don't like them, please change them. If you didn't want your pic posted - oops, sorry. If you weren't in a pic, were you there? If you were, then ride with the group next time and stop showing off in front. A special thanks to MichH and her Hubby and parents and to all those who chipped in. A fantastic day. As MichH said earlier she will distribute the CD for favoures like getting her bike washed, some gear for her new frame and such. I work in JHB, so for those who are nearish, they can bring a blank CD for all the pics or a mem stick for just their own pic and those of the chicks......