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    Western Cape
  1. Gees sorry to hear, hope they going to be ok! I'm certainly nowhere near as famous as these guys but this could very nearly have been "my thread" too... Earlier today I very very nearly got hit by a myciti bus while on my way to Gardens centre, bus was travelling at around 60kmph and passed within 10cm of me. Honest! I've never felt that close to death. Formal complaint has been laid, awaiting outcome of their "investigations".
  2. Hi Guys First post here, although been lurking for a while... I've recently gotten my hands on a 2nd hand Norco VPS Drop, its quite old but its a beast! This past weekend I resisted the urge to take it for a proper ride and instead decided it was best that I give it a thorough service first. (BTW this is my first bike with hydraulic brakes) After trying unsuccessfully for hours to bleed the brakes (Hope C2's + Pro Lever) I eventually figured out that the reason it wasn't behaving as the manual described is that the previous owner had incorrectly placed mineral oil in the brake lines, where Hope specifically states DOT 5.1 (or 4 as a last resort) only, and as such many of the seals were stuffed! After completely dismantling the calipers and levers and having drained the rest of the fluid I found little bits rubber seal everywhere... aargh idiot! So with the above as back-story, I'm now looking for replacement seal kits so that I can get them working again, anybody know where I can get these in Cape Town? I've looked online, CRC don't even have them, and the only other places I found them are selling for ridiculous rates (mainly shipping fees are the killer). I've also phoned a number of local bike shops but nobody seems to stock these, although Shane @ Bowman's is going to see what he can find for me. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Cheers GIR
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