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Everything posted by FOURFEET

  1. You are so sick!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. In hindsight we should probably lobby for a law to stop the sale of bicycles to the over 30's
  3. Ok it seems we have reached consensus that- Ladies over thirty should not be anywhere outside the kitchen Only Elite cyclists are worthy of prize money. Men cyclists over 30 are has beens and does not deserve prize money. Juniors and younger are aspiring cyclists and also do not deserve prize money. Cool. Some okes still hang on to the back of the bunch!!!
  4. The limit set to entries causes a lot of hard feelings. You have to pay x amount why not devide proportionally. What about Junior girls Under 16 Girls, etc which are also neglected. Pay Something like R 600, R 400 R 200 first three places. And still pay the others more. At R 50 000 plus prize money is it that much asked?
  5. My my my am I surprised to see that a few grown ups also visit this chat room. Excellent.
  6. Ok Turdie You keep missing the point. The post is not about you or how well you hang onto the back of the bunch. It is about a lot of licensed cyclists not being catered for. For having an inferior complex I think it is a title belonging to you. As for insulting other Hubbers why does eveyone that posts on this forum have to be ripped of. Very mature play time I would say. For you being immature you just cannot walk away from this topic. Why would I want to check your results. You are nothing more than a glorified wheelsucker. You always hang on to the back of the bunch. Maybe you should stick to figure skating. Remember the topic is about vets ladies only nothing else, Turdie FOURFEET2009-01-05 01:07:11
  7. Bigh - Are you at Ongiva? Was there a lot of years ago. Was the bridge at Xancongo - hope spelled right rebuild yet.
  8. Ok Turtlek or should I address you by the pet name I have for you. You feel hard done by the comment I made. What gives you the right to dish it out. See the opening comments you made. As for you being a long time hubber since 17 April 2008 hahaha. Licensed cycling in the country is for all age categories. That is why ladies do take out racing licenses and use them to race. Organisers of Classics undertake to pay ex amount of price money according to the status of the race. The number of entrants per category does not matter as the race attracts sponsorships and a lot of fun riders who contributes towards paying for the costs of the race. A classic is meant to afford all licensed cyclists the opportunity to compete and be rewarded irrespective of their age or sex. Discrimantion especially in sport is against our constitution. See road running and the prizes they pay. Classics are not only about elites 65 men and 15 woman entering. What TV Coverage to they attract. 3 Minutes on Supercycling. For your info I am not bitter about anything. I do find it amusing that you have snotty coments on a lot of topics on this forum. There is of course by the look of things a number of other half brainers who think their childish comments on most topics are funny. By the way are you not done with this topic?FOURFEET2009-01-04 11:18:48
  9. Turdlick for a start I will look pass your snotnose wit. You surely do not go to races very often. Their is quite a number of vets ladies participating. How are they better than the men? We have Cathy Carstens current World champ and Elsa Karsten past world champ competing in these age categories. Any men that can make the claim? As for my name you can simply call me george. Splitting prize money equally is not the idea.
  10. Nobody said equal prize money for a start. Vets ladies are perhaps better than the men. I can think abou two who have recently one worlds. Any men?? Why would a vet lady want to race elites 20 years younger than her. Why would an under 12 want to race juniors. Also you will never find a vets bunch of 300 riders there is restrictions. It is all about giving them the same opportunities and acknowledgement. Bottolline is at a Provincial classic organisers must pay a minimum of R 30 000 prize money and a max of R 50 000. They actually agree on paper to do so. For a National classic the minimum is R 50 000 and the max anything more. If organisers do not pay these amounts then their races canoot have classic status. If you have classic status you should have start groups for all the licensed categories. Is it to much asked to pay prize money over all the categories. It appears the same is happening in MTB. Just for your info I do not have a missus but a mister.
  11. No just the rest of last year. It really is a shame when a race organiser cannot devide the minimum of R 30 000 PRIZE money that has to be paid according to the agreement with CSA over all the categories. FOURFEET2009-01-04 00:40:54
  12. Why do they have to obtain a CSA racing license if CSA allows race organisers to discriminate against them. Can they now race open category with backup to get prize money. Something is very wrong if the open categories can get prize money and the tandems [non licensed category] get prize money but racing vets ladies get nothing.
  13. Rio/City of Matlosana Emperors Palace [You pay the elite men R 29000?] What a shame!!!!!!!! Carnival City does not indicate a prize money breakdown!!!!!!!!!!!! Panorama Tour Berge en Dale - Not even close to the minimum prize money for a classic. Are you cuting corners at the expense of cyclists??? Kormorant Classic - No breakdown. Ladies and Gents this is not the way to treat the vets ladies. How do you plan to fix this. Does your sponsors no about your discrimation against the vets ladies?? I bet they would like to know.
  14. So all the race organisers out there making a packet with their races paying up to and more than R 50 000 prize money why do you discriminate against vet ladies racing your races. No prize money for vets ladies. It really is a shame. When will you get your act together???? FOURFEET2009-01-04 00:14:57
  15. Luckyly it is a little cockup in the Cape and does not affect real racing.
  16. Type 2 suck and sulk when type one kick their ass!!!!!! And no it is not Amoryn. FOURFEET2008-11-22 11:44:58
  17. You get two types: Type 1: Riding license - always in the ladies licensed groups. Race according to race tactics. Type 2: Wannbee pros - have cyclosport license and always ride with A -C bunch - posting faster times than licensed riders. Type 2 then shoot their mouths off because type 1 is racing so shi* with such slow times. Then both types end up in same ladies only bunch and race their own race and own tactics. End result is type 2 finishes 20 whole minutes behind type one who is one category older than type 2. Now the question is which is the better cyclist?
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