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  1. I'll help out with the workshop. If I can organize a bakkie, I've got quite a few uni's of different sizes and flavours I can bring down from Worcester. No one up here is interested in riding a uni;) Only thing about a uni workshop, is that it is not a get up and go thing. It will be great to get introduced to the sport and see what it is about. It is a life defining toy.
  2. Sharp reply realizing chaffing is the major problem on these. Mostly can't figure out why this is more difficult than Unicycling. Here is a clip of how to ride one. I'm still a beginner, so straight line is basically all I can do, but there is actually a guy on youtube who jump from one to the other. As single speeds goes, this is as difficult as one can make it.
  3. And I forgot my latest addition: My 24'' ultimate wheel. It and the BC wheel (the wheel in the top photo in the front) is the simplest a cycle can get while still being ridable. Hope it is suitable for this forum. Should be. all have one gear except the BC, which has none.
  4. Here is a photo of my single speed collection. Does it qualify for this thread?
  5. The bigger the UW, the easier it is to ride. The bigger the wheel on a normal Unicycle, the harder it generally is. I perviously built a UW with 26'' rim, and despite it being very heavy, with crooked peddles and not a balanced construction, it is actually easier than the 24'' balanced one I have now. This is not to say that the guy on the 36'' is not exceptionally good. The best on UW is the guy that can jump from one to the other. See
  6. Yea, got it back. Got stolen on day I got it, and the next monday I went to pawn and bicycle shops. One of the bike shops put a tyre on it after someone bought it for R3 at a scrap metal dealer. Guess I was lucky.
  7. Have a look at my new toy. The Ultimate Wheel is the simplest form of cycle: only 5 parts: 1. disc 2. Peddles x 2 3. Tube 4. Tyre. (not sure whether the plastic cap on tyre valve counts as a part or not) It is not very practical as a commuter cycle though, and a bit exhausting to ride. Got one almost two weeks ago, and managing to ride it. Here is a vid of me riding it. It is much more difficult to ride than a bike, a fixie and a unicycle. There are actually people riding these offroad and doing tricks on it. jogglingflurpy2009-09-21 12:16:16
  8. Played with my recovered wheel today. Great fun. Actually got the hang of the thing. I've done about 150m without bailing on an ultimate wheel, which must be a WP record. Until I give Johnny a go at least.
  9. Woft "...can the guy who bought it ride it?" No chance. You are the only guy I know of that can of ride it. When I fetched it, I told him if he can get on it, he can keep it. He did not even try. We had a nice talk about uni's, and who knows, maybe he'll start riding one. As I'm typing this, my legs and back is cramping after playing for less than 15mins on the wheel. It is very exhausting.
  10. Found it!!! Someone stole the wheel, removed the tube and tyre, and sold it at a scrap metal shop. Someone bought it (I was told for R3) and took it to a local bike shop to have a tyre and tube fitted. I went to local bike shops, and the owner told me he just fit a tyre to the wheel, and that he would get hold of his customer. Shortly thereafter the guy that had the tyre fitted phoned me and told me he bought the wheel from a dump not knowing it was stolen, and told me to pick it up. I'm giving him the money he spent on the tyre, and a bit of a reward. It is a bit scratched, possibly since having other metal dumped onto it, but nothing serious. Thanks for all assistance and comments.
  11. If you know how to weld aluminium, I'm very interested. The bigger the Ultimate Wheel, the better. The one i lost was 24'', blue exactly as on picture and brand new. If you are really interested, build a 28''. I'll pay for the parts. Problem for me was finding something to screw the pedals in: The one pedal screws in counter clockwise. I ended up sawing off cranks from old bicycle parts and embedding it the wooden disk, which did not work too well. The design on the Youtube vid above is very nice, but once again, I anticipate the counter-clock-wise groove to screw on the pedals, will be a problem. jogglingflurpy2009-09-13 16:06:04
  12. Tarboy, Reading your post again. Honestly, no chance of riding one you built yourself, unless you can unicycle real good, so start with a Uni. It is a life defining gift. Check out guys like Kris Holm and Unigeezer on youtube, or check out www.amaonetya.co.za. Double the fun on half the wheels.
  13. tarboy, It cost R1400 at www.oddwheel.co.za, but it is not a big seller, so I most likely I'll have to try and import one from the USA if I want a replacement.. It was the Worcester Round Table Follies show, where I do a unicycle act.t I'll most likely report it to the police tomorrow, which I don't want to do that. The fundraiser is a social event attended by the who'se who in Worcester, with all tickets for the show sold out 2 months before the show. Most likely some guy got drunk and chuck it in his car, only to realise next morning he took something he has no use for. I taught myself to ride one I made myself: MTB rim fixed to a wooden disk. Problem is the weight and managing to fix the pedals so it can carry my 90kg weight. Wood is too soft so the pedals don't stay square. The one that that is stolen is an aluminaium frame without the pedal-twisting-problem. I'll put an advert in newspaper this week. I am really desperate to get my toy back.
  14. If you want to go freewheel, you have a BC Wheel. Zack Baldwin is the BC Guru - see Here is a pic. Closest I've seen someone riding one (I've got one, I can't ride it) is Johnny from www.amaonetya.co.za - WOFT on forum. I don't quite see how you can gear something like that. If you figure it out, you'll be hero of a lot of extreme unicyclists. jogglingflurpy2009-09-13 15:13:56
  15. Azonic, you asked how you ride it. The theory is obvious: Get on and start peddling. In practise it is much more difficult. If you put your weight on the foot going down, the wheel flips to that side, so the trick is to keep pressure on both leggs to keep it wheel upright. I've done a few 50km plus races on unicycle, and this is MUCH MUCH more difficult and exhausting. There is actually a guy on youtube that can jump from one of these to another, with both moving. This is what really ticks me off: The guy that took the wheel or the guy he sells it to will have no chance of actually using it. There are only about 10 unicyclists in the Western Cape who may be interested in this machine, and they won't buy because they will know it is mine that is stolen. jogglingflurpy2009-09-13 14:39:22
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