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    Western Cape
  1. Yup. Thats why I said honey works like a bomb. Even some doctors use it if they did skin grafts, etc. The "propper" honey to use is Manuka honey from New Zealand or somewhere, but I just use normal honey. Just get some sort of covering that can go over it. Apparently you get something that looks like clingwrap that works well. From the wiki http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Health_effects_of_honey " It was a gourmet medicine during the Second Balkan War in 1913, healing the wounds of soldiers. Honey from several species of sting-less bees was consumed to cure flu , to cure cataract, glaucoma and cough .[10] In modern times, its use as a healing agent is equally popular. In 2007, in the Manchester Evening News in England, the use of “manuka honey” in a large hospital in New Zealand to control methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other bacterial infections was noted; its antibacterial property to kill or inhibit is supported by many scientific studies in recent years. [11] Properties Scientists [ weasel words ] have revealed that honey has powerful anti-bacterial properties on at least sixty species of bacteria, and unlike antibiotics, which are often useless against certain types of bacteria, honey is non-toxic and has strong effects. [5] "
  2. You can use honey. Its perfect for road rash. anti-sceptic. A lot of bikers swear by it. Ive used honey on some pretty bad burns amd it often heals up without a blister or scarring.
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