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  1. What a great idea. Lube always goes all over the floor! Smoove in particular gets blocked up in the narrow spout and requires a good squeeze to unblock meaning lube explodes everywhere.
  2. I've had situations as already mentioned where I've indicated to a seller that I'll take an item only to receive a sold notification several days later. Could Bikehub possibly create and regulate a kind of offer button where the person who meets the price first gets an automated first dibs. The seller is then compelled to sell to the first person that meets the asking price. Also, others potential buyers could be notified where they are in the queue of potential buyers who have already met the asking price. Consequently, people's expectations will be managed.
  3. Have space for one or two passengers and bikes if anyone needs a lift. I'm heading out on Saturday from Claremont at 12:30pm to my overnight spot on Caledon. You can contact me on 0844239658. Michael
  4. A visible SANparks permit board on the bars might be a viable solution to avoid future confrontation with the rangers. Could SANparks be so progressive?
  5. I did a 41km Porcupine ridge race + T-shirt in Franschhoek last weekend for R130. No, not on par.
  6. Why is it so expensive? R220 for long route and thats with ppa discount.
  7. Happened to me twice in a week once. Hit them both with a bad rating.
  8. AS NOTED ABOVE THE LINK TO KILLARNEY "16/09/09" HAS CHANGED TO: http://torquepics.co.za/16Sept09_g82.html
  9. On torquepics hover the cursor over the image and it will appear larger in a seprate window. The images cant be too big because there are so many on the data base, it isnt practical. The originals are close to 3mb, the ones on torquepics are only allowed to be 100kb. Thehubsa also only allows for 100kb imges or less. But il see if i can drop the quality a bit more and then may be able to make the image bigger. Thanks for the feedback Quintus2009-09-17 07:06:56
  10. Killarney Images can be found on www.torquepics.co.za. 0r copy and paste this link: http://torquepics.co.za/16Sept09_g82.html (The images on torquepics are now larger for better viewing) All photos are available for purchase. Specify images by using the number below the photograph e.g. Killarney_503 Contact me on email. michaelowen.quinn@gmail.com (updated 18/09/09) Quintus2009-09-18 04:00:09
  11. Hi, been working on a few glitches on the site. Will be uploading all I got in next few days Thanks for looking
  12. (These are low quality images. Orignals may be purchased from the photographers) Quintus2009-09-10 08:23:21
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