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Posts posted by andregrobler

  1. Did the 45 and enjoyed it very much. Well done to all involved. I must say that events by Stillwater are my favorite. Me lots of great people, saw beautiful spaces!


    + 1 on the seeding and batched starts. Yes, I know it is more work/costs but I don't think you can grow the event if you don't do it. And if SASeeding costs to much (or is to much trouble), sommer use the results from last year. If you haven't done the event, you start later.


    Yes its nice to go past lots of people, but you will never get to ride the climbs since there will be somebody pushing in front of you to throw of your balance and momentum. Yes, I know you may be walking almost as fast as I am riding, but I love the feeling of knowing I rode the whole route, I conquered it!


    For me its not about time or final position, its about showing the mountain whos boss.

  2. This is a weird human psychology, I see it all the time in running. I read a friend's status on Facebook where he said he was entering a 10km race and wanted to break 1 hour. Another friend of his told him to get to the race early so he could start at the front. No, dude, if you can only run 10km in an hour then you're a slow moving obstacle for most of the pack. Same at Parkrun, old lady walkers that push to the front and have to be overtaken by everybody in the first 50 metres.



    Do you think people would subscribe to an honesty system for the unseeded riders? In other words, have a marked grid near the start gate categorised by the time a rider would expect to complete the race?


    I think the honesty system can never really work. Even if everyone was very realistic regarding their capabilities, in MTB everything is relative. For example: I managed to ride the Xterra 28 km in magalies in 1:45, but I can do double that on a district road. And a route profile helps but can only show you so much. You have no idea how the terrain will look before you have done it. So if I have never done a race, and was asked what speed I plan on averaging, I will not be able to give a good answer. Is it the 16 km/h of magalies of the 30 km/h of the district road?


    I actually like bottlenecks, give me time to catch a breath. And it gives me time to eat my snacks. Ok, no, I am just joking!


    I try to find the "smaller" races, organized by the local guys. I have done races in Bothaville and Hartebeesfontein (granted these are close to me) and both was superb. Well organized, marked, no bottlenecks. And the "make a weekend of it" is working well for us; then the "quickly drive and race" crowd is not there to cause bottlenecks :-)


    I saw someone mentioned the Royal MTB challenge and must concur: that is mountain biking! Scary, technical but not dangerious if you know your capabilities (aka go slow on the downhill). But very, very nice race and so rewarding! Will try the Marico one as well.

  3. Looking forward to the 40km, recon it will take around 3 hours. After the 28 km at the extera took me 1:45 in Feb I have much respect for Buffelspoort! Those where some of the scariest downhills I have ever done! If my legs are still not spent, there is always the trailrun on the Sunday to fix that :w00t:

  4. Ok, so I am sure for most of you this is old news but thought I have to say something about this.


    This morning at registration of this year's Emperors Palace race my fiance was so yelled at as far as I am concerned for no reason at all. Ja maybe I want to make my voice heard because she was yelled at but I still feel there is no reason for organisers to handle "customers" like that.


    She had to pick up numbers and also do a late entry for a mate of ours. She asked whether the mate could be seeded, simple question. And this lady took her tantrum out on my fiance.


    Honestly, some of these people who collect our numbers are doing us a favor and dont deserve this. It was maybe not the right thing to ask for a seeding but the attitude wasnt necessary where you clearly volunteered to organise this race and then to work with potential reseedings.


    Apperently as I understood afterwards is that they are from ASG. So ASG, get your people some skills please!!!


    Sorry to hear about your bad experiance. I have had some good experiences with ASG. But i prever online entries and have never had a problem with long que. I think asg will be able to act if you send the person's name to them. Then hopefully this will not happen to others.


    PS: given my 2c worth so i can get lots op posts = more respect for my opinion. :-)


    ^ said in a joking manner, i understand and apreciate both sides of the "number of posts" argument.

  5. BrytonSport mielie myl.pdf



    Kyk maar na my roete lyk dit soos julle sin


    As ek jou kaart met die een op hulle website vergelyk dan lyk dit my jy het al redelik in die begin iewers reguit op 'n pad aangehou in plaas daarvan om te draai. Jy het so lang reguit stuk waar ons geloop het. Mens sien dit as jy kyk na die "Oorbietjiesfontein" stasie, wat dit lyk of jy geskiep het. Is eintlik 'n groot geluk julle het nie teen 'n klomp toe hekke en dinge vasgery nie! Dink jy het van die lekker vinnige dele dalk gemis. Nou voel ek sommer baie beter oor my tyd :D .


    Of jou gps het sy sein verloor en diet toe weer daar opgetel en toe se hy jy het 10km minder gery as wat jy he! Was in elkgeval baie lekker!

  6. Ek moet saam stem. Baie lekker gewees en sal dit verseker aanbeveel. Ek dink daar was saterdag meer fietse in Hartbeesfontein as wat die inwonerstal is. :D




    Jip, was baie lekker! Regtig baie mooi gemerk! Weet iemand wat die wen tyd op die 60km was? Ek het so 3:02 gery, dit rustige gevat.

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