Background info: I've been mountain biking on a "regular" basis for approximately 10+ years now, I am in the Pretoria area and frequent the parks in and around me. I personally (not saying I don't) am not the biggest fan of hitting the open trails and then telling the story of how the guy with a knife jumped out of the bushes and stole my wheels... if I do I prefer it in bigger numbers.
Okay, (don't know if I should name drop but anyway here goes..) When I started out, The Big Red Barn was my place of choice, I liked going there because every time I rode there I found new sections I had missed the previous time. Then I realized that the route markings were so bad that I was pretty much just making up my own course. I then started trying out some of the other courses and found that there were some that had good markings to follow and others where you could also make up your own route as you go along, whilst hoping to see your car again π
Now I know that there are a bunch of parks out there, all over the country, that have amazing routes that are properly marked for first timers to enjoy. I can also appreciate that it costs lots of bucks to run a good setup. But imagine going on holiday taking your bike with so that you can try out a new park near the sea then getting so lost that you have to send a pin so that someone can come and find you...yes this really happened π€ͺ
I would like to think that I am not challenged in this area and maybe I am but I have seen a number of guys that have had the same experience and have stopped at intersections trying to figure out which path to take only to land up at the same place a little later. Some parks even have a "map" with different colors for each route showing where various paths cross or linkup (Hello Wolwespruit), now this should make sense but when out on the trails holding on with white knuckles and you get to an intersection and there are Blue wolves, Red wolves, Green wolves ... all of a sudden you realize that by not having a photographic mind, you cannot for the life of you remember which color links with which and now the map is a blur you do that thing that you do in a multiple choice pick the middle one, only to run into a bunch of dog walkers who are now very pissed with you for riding on the walking trails. There is even a sign that says "EASY Route" in the middle of a Y junction...too late, all of a sudden you are back at the start.
On a happy note, I rode at Red Barn for the first time, after a short absence, to find that they had re-marked their trails to be legible, clear and easy to understand... you see it's not that hard
That's the gist of my temper tantrum
I'm sure there are a number of you guys out there that have had similar experiences at the parks you ride at or maybe it's just me.
Anyway, feel free to run with it π