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Posts posted by Bike-Thingy

  1. ...cuz then I don't have to adjust my stupid brakes every time I take the front wheel off. I swear, I just tjuned it perfectly, double check buy braking a few times, then take wheels off, put back on and guess what, it's touching one side again. Those I want pulls both sides like a Road bike and I've never had problems with them, that whysmiley4.gif

  2.  <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    But like the guys say, spending thousands of rands on a weight saving of 400-600grams are silly except if you have spare cash laying around or having a mid life crises, this is in no way shape or form directed at Cruxiesmileys/smiley2.gif I wish my almost sponsor would buy me some pretty bling bling wheels?.that's the only way I'll ever have somesmileys/smiley19.gif
  3. All wheels are ugly compared to a nice pair of deep section Cardon whatever?s. I doubt your wheels are that light. Wheel sets are mostly in between 1000g ? 2000g per pair. I would say anything lower than 1500 is a good weight.
  4. I also ride the 420 AC?s , have the one?s with the bladed spokes. If you are a bit bigger get the one?s without the bladed spokes, it?ll be stronger (I?ve read). I weigh in at 74kg?s and when I bunny hop now and again the wheels ?flex?.

     <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

    I?ve broken 3spokes but it only broke after hitting big holes, so since I?ve bought the bike, that?s how long now, 5months?? Not happy with the Spokes and not happy with the Nipples, I?ve already saw a few has disintegrated. But other than that it?s a nice affordable lightweight wheel set. I?ll only trade them in for a pair of Carbon deep sections.
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