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Posts posted by Bike-Thingy

  1. Glad to see you 2 are keeping yourselves entertained he he he .smileys/smiley36.gif . . .  . . . . but all this gibberish is still not going to help you tomorrow BikeMax, make sure to pack your body armour hehehesmileys/smiley36.gifsmileys/smiley2.gif

  2. Fatty, leave Marius out of this, he has a GF, he's got the ring, he just needs to pop the quistion but he's to chicken!!!smileys/smiley36.gif

    WW, are you getting the one with the Pink Base and yellow top??smileys/smiley36.gifsmileys/smiley2.gif

  3. who cares CVANC / Gumismileys/smiley36.gifsmileys/smiley2.gif Just kidding V. Here is a novel idea. Why don't you guys that have "Bike Cases" lease it out to ppl that want to go travel??? Lets say R250 for a month?

    Since it's my idea I'm first in the que for Des2006 till Jan2007 I need a bike case. So please don't be shysmileys/smiley4.gif PM me!!!

    Gumi, fruad is such a nasty word, lets be more creative and call it . . . . . . . . .  let me know what we'll call itsmileys/smiley36.gif

  4. money is the issue. The guys are careful with boxes like that. If it can survive 2trips on SA Planes I think it'll be fine going overseas. I also have to transport my bike to the states and back come year end....well I'll long story short. Can I buy a bike there and bring it back and tell the duty officer it's my bike I've taken overseas to train on and just bringing it back or do I have to take a bike with, leave it there and bring the new one back, how clever are these ppl. Also can I claim tax in the states airport when I bought a bike there and is there then a bigger possibility that the duty officers here will know I bought it there???

  5. dude, use a cardboard box. My bike came in one all the way from the USA New Jersey. Then it came from Jhb to CT with Kulula with the GF then it went back with BritishAirways to Jhb again last weekend with me and it was fine. I'm not spending R1800 on a box that weights 14kg, NEVER!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. The GT is quite heavy but I can say that about all entry level bikes falling into this category. Easy way to loose a 1kg fast is to change the tires, the front tire weighs in at 880g and the back is 710g. swap those for Larsens TT(450g each) with Stans Conversion(230g) and you'll save yourself more than a kilo since the tubs weigh 200g each.

  7. scotty, I was sooooo excited with CycleLab putting on my Stans for me for R25.....then after the little mishap with writing off the back rimI had to re-stan it but I had no more SEALENT CUZ THEY USED A HOLE BOTTLE WHEN THEY CONVERTED IT FOR ME. So I'm kinda pissed about that cuz it QUITE FORKING EXPENCIVE AT R200 A BOTTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!smileys/smiley7.gif


    Maxxis Larsen TT's EXCEPTION(450g)  / Schwalbe - Racing Ralph Evolution(470g) , looks good, had a very good weight and with Stans you can't go wrong.

    I'm using a Conti Supersonic Twister(350g) at the front with Stans and a Explorer SuperSonic(450g) at the back and I'll not recommend it to you.

  9. Landie, it's tooo farrrr, must try and save money for Mtbsmileys/smiley1.gif so only doing local rides / cheap ridessmileys/smiley4.gifsmileys/smiley9.gif 

    CVANC, sure he already kicked my butt on the Mtb don't want him kicking my butt on the Racer aswellsmileys/smiley18.gif

    So were are you riding this weekend Fatty?smileys/smiley4.gif


    There is No Highstreet rides this weekend, can you's believe it. Apparently the weather is not going to permit it, ppp, allo, here I was thinking I found a group that's going to keep me riding right thru winter come rain or shine. Guess I'll have to get back to basics and do my LDT on my own again...were is the rest of the Capies riding this weekend, anything I should know about???smileys/smiley9.gif
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