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Everything posted by Whitters

  1. hopefully not too wet... Has the venue changed? I see it says Rand Water Site, sure it use to be at Wheelz N Smoke...
  2. rvdm1 this is the route and times we do the ride so you're welcome to join us to give it a try...
  3. I commute most weeks on a Thursday from work (Midrand) to Home (Linden) and then Friday morning back Linden to Midrand, with a mate. We've never had any safety issue and it's awesome to get a mid week ride in. On a number of occasions when my riding partner is not able to ride due to a late meeting or something I'll ride solo, again never had any issues. I'm not saying it's completely safe I'm just saying we've had no problem. We both ride with a small teargas spray. Keep your eyes open.
  4. pm sent. if it is for the trail, yes please
  5. so it starts again... Trail entries opened today. After the awesomeness of this year I decided to do it with my wife next year, should be fun. Entered and paid! who else has entered?
  6. Whitters

    JUMA 2016

    must say I did not pack a light as told but found the tunnel fine. it was dark yes but all the obstacles where clearly marked with fairy lights.
  7. Whitters

    JUMA 2016

    Well done juma had a blast on the 54. So much better than last time. Zero bottlenecks fast and furious.
  8. Whitters

    JUMA 2016

    Well done juma had a blast on the 54. So much better than last time. Zero bottlenecks fast and furious.
  9. on the box topic. they will provide you with a black box which is also the only thing they will transport between overnight stations. the boxes are loaded and unloaded onto trucks. anything you cant put in the box (bike bag, clothes bags etc) will be loaded onto another truck and taken from the start straight to the finish.
  10. On the first aid topic, take one. I was in a situation in the mountains where we really needed one and did not have. I now always carry a bank bag with space blanket, wound dressing and plasters. Last year Sani a lady came off on the decent into the Umkomaas Valley and it took the rescue team over 2 hours to reach her on foot (no vehicle or helicopter access). A space blanket can save your life, don't underestimate going into shock).
  11. well big up to any company who is willing to put their name and money behind mtb'ing
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