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    Western Cape
  1. As someone at the back, 5E, the people that made me feel most unsafe was fast riders seeded low and those on their 2nd laps. Obviously unexperienced riders are a problem, but I can usually spot them and stay away. The faster riders speed past shouting to “hold the line” and cutting way to close in front or on the side. ????????‍♀️
  2. I had a good day despite my lack of training. I even tried to sell my entry! Time was about the same as 2016 - and faster than the soggy Stellenbosch cycle tour ???? I was in group 5E, difficult to keep in any kind of group. Few negatives - one moron on a Mountain bike was zigzagging up Smit’s- clipped my front wheel. Luckily I could keep my bike steady. He did apologize but then carried on doing the same thing ???? And a lot of the riders I saw on their second laps were riding like maniacs. Really unfair for us on our 1st lap. One guy nearly rode into a marshal on chappies; taking the tiniest of gaps right when the marshal was telling everyone to keep left. Quite disappointing as I didn’t notice this last time. In fact one ‘2nd lapper’ helped me get up chappies in 2016. Condolences to friends and families of those that passed away
  3. Anyone know someone looking for an entry? I want to sell mine. Just not ready this year
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