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Everything posted by Blackfoot

  1. Haha.. Heads ok, shoulder is a bit stuffed. Otherwise all good!
  2. A massive thank you to the okes that stopped and helped my sorry ass up to Emerentia dam after I totally ran out of talent on the downhill from the dam... Okes, please contact me... I wanna buy you beers. I''m sorry I forgot your names. Been a bit hazy.
  3. This morning under the Witkoppen bridge in the spruit we passed an oke busy stealing a cable. When we got to Witkoppen my mate (let's call him Rockstar) spotted some cops and tjuned them to go arrest the dude. On our way back there they were loading (I think more than one oke in the van). We did make a bit of a show of appreciation... Like cheering the cops. I may have also yelled something at the dief on the way past. Just so everybody knows. Not sure if the bridgedwellers might have an issue with spruitriders. Maybe we should've done it more clandestinely. We were just so stoked to see some @&$@ get caught and the cops be heros...
  4. Unbelievable. Sad sad sad. Angry!!! Tragic. No words.
  5. Did you say it was a Raleigh? Geeze.
  6. I'm looking at getting the Momsen SL729. Carbon. Pretty well equiped. Well priced. Any advice or views would be welcome...
  7. Just wanted to do it... Too many cycling deaths. That's pretty much it.
  8. Glad to see people are taking notice. I'm the 'guy' that produced the ad. Firstly, we had her helmet at the shoot. I decided for her not to wear it to try and create several thought patterns. The first was a 'romanticized idea of cycling'. Like I used to do it as a kid... Maybe I was wrong. The second was that our 'victim' ends up 'dead'. No helmet = serious consequences. (plus riding in the middle of the road as my mates pointed out). The 3rd was that a lot of South Africans ride without helmets because they can't afford them. The idea of the add is that it could be anybody... Your aunt, son, sister, brother, etc. The idea is to try and bridge the gap between motorists and cyclists. Everybody has to be aware and CAREFUL. I made the add because I cycle. O. And did I mention we did it for free? So thanks to all. And Supersport is flighting it for free.
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