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Everything posted by mudsweatnbeers

  1. What a load of rubbish... I've see better episodes of Isidingo
  2. Does anyone know if you can buy these Limited edition Rudy Projects?
  3. Ah... Google IS my friend... For those of you that don't know, he won it six times. It'll save you some reasearch time
  4. Wow this is a really cool comptition... but can anyone tell me how many green jerseys Zabel got at Tour de France?
  5. These guys, by virtue of their "jobs", are role models... just like any professional cricket player or rugby player and kids are easily influnced by the good and stupid things that role models do. Lets face it... riding without a helmet may seem like a trivial thing but I'm sure that there is not one person on this hub that wouldn't encourage a child to wear a helmet... I for one would hate to see my child lying on the ground with his head cracked open because he wasn't wearing a helmet and getting him to wear his helmet is a daily struggle because helmets aren't cool. Professionals should enjoy being role models and should lead by example. They enjoy being in the limelight but should equally expect to be named and shamed if they step out of line. Oh... and this is not bad advertising for House of Paints... at the time of writing they have had 2452 views on this post and now so many more people are aware of HOP... they are smiling, It's more exposure than they will ever get on TV at a race.. mudsweatnbeers2009-07-07 12:46:31
  6. Thats correct Chris. It is one of my posts...I, like many people on this forum thought that you were the importers and would have been caught out and bought from you. I have subsequently found out that you are NOT the importer which is why I am annoyed... I would have bought from you thinking that all is well and that my eyewear is covered by the local authorised importers which you are obviously not.. Oh... and how can you be not sure... it's your site isn't it?
  7. Hi Jnr... I was just on your site and cant find the legal guarantee you talk about. As far as I was aware, our government doesn't support grey imports but rather legal and fair trade through business entities that trade above board. I don't understand how you can let the cycle importers do all the marketing and brand building and you just stand on the side and rape their efforts. You buying stuff direct does nothing for local business other than yourself.
  8. I read somewhere that they are producing a unit as small as a grain of rice... Not sure how the thing is kept charged etc... I'll try and find the link and post it here...
  9. Bike theft is a huge problem around the world (especially in the UK believe or not..) some intrepid dudes in the UK have come up with a tracker unit for bicycles.. There is an interesting chat thread on it in globalmountainbiker.com read about it here http://www.globalmountainbiker.com/forum/topic/9/page/1#93 mudsweatnbeers2009-06-12 15:48:11
  10. Hi, I joined global mountain biker about 4 months ago and have met some really great people. I actually met up with some Italians that I met on global mountain biker during a trip to Italy last month... they organised me a bike and took me on some insane trails near the Cinque Terre. Global Mountain Biker is really an awesome idea... its like Facebook for mountain bikers.
  11. yeah I'd go X.0 as well... definitely a more smooth gear change...
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