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Durbanville Mtb Night Rides


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Where is BLACKvoodoo and Disylizzy in all of this?


Suggestion - we include some version of Malanshoogte in next week's ride

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Think Lizzy is busy training up her power at Cadence :whistling: .


I can't make next week Tuesday, but if someone wants to ride on the Thursday (Meerendal night ride, Malanshoogte loop, etc) we must talk.

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Where is BLACKvoodoo and Disylizzy in all of this?


Suggestion - we include some version of Malanshoogte in next week's ride


What Hein said, I'm doing Cadence Tuesdays and Thursdays. If there's a ride on a Wednesday some time, then I'll join that.

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Wednesdays also work for me. I know Andre is busy on Wednesday nights, but lets see!

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Thx guys - great ride last night!

Beautiful weather and a challenging pace set up front by paceman Devm10 & co.

See ya next week - same time, same place (weather permitting)


Vaalkol, felt Hein & Deon breathing down my neck and thought I needed to up the pace a bit as I was going to slow for them :ph34r:

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Sorry man , moes finale goed uitsort vir ons jag trip.. Ek is lus om vanaand te gaan trap

Net as jy van daai Kudu biltong saambring. :whistling:

Reg so, sien jou daar. :thumbup:

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Jammer kêrels, sal nie vanaand kan ry nie. Sal kyk of ek dalk Donderdag aand Meerrendal sal kan gaan doen.

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Sal nie vanaand kan maak nie - as die weer Donderdag aand reg is sal ek en Deon in wees vir Meerendal

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Kanse is goed dat ek sal gaan ry, moet net eers kyk wat die res van die dag vir my inhou.

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