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Active mountain bike clubs in JHB


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club that does outrides every weekend, dont think JMBC does


ummm.....check their website and FB page. They cycle every week-end.....rain or shine............. :thumbup:

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Yup, can vouch for JMBC. They do rides every weekend all over GP, sometimes NW. Pretty cool club with a helluva lot of rides in their library. Cater for all sorts. Twice a year they do looooong rides, the one in the winter is the Tour de Jozi (starts in Paulshof, goes out Lanseria way, swings past Northcliff and back down the Spruit) The other one in December is from Emmerentia to Harties. Bunch of nice guys.


Club100 operating from Paulshof do nice rides with the M&B being the start point. Moslty same route every weekend.

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I go out with the JMBC every weekend and quite enjoyed this last ride that we did. We cycled around Logwood beneath the final approach to runway 06L at Lanseria. It was pretty cool cycling and having the aircraft coming in to land above our heads =)


Next weekend the ride is at northern farms. Come along and join us if you want. You are more than welcome to =)

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