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BlackSheep Bikes vs Budnitz


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Bike Bag Dude Well you can imagine what my take is on this - I feel sick , that must have been a nasty bit of news to find out. I will share it far and wide so the truth be known. Shake it off , Karma will bite him in the arse if we all stick together and do the right thing by our industry .

22 hours ago · Like


Christine Carter Well, i for one have complete tunnel vision for a black sheep created by black sheep! Can relate though as our family business was stolen (long story, another rich man), and they too pretended to be us and use our ideas. I doubt that he, like our scumbag will last. People can tell the difference. Especially with your welding. Karma will get him. Bastard.

22 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2


Vienna Bikeworks i wouldnt even call this a rant. it is a very clean and calm and straightforward statement. you can be proud of your product and how you handled this issue.

22 hours ago · Like · 19


Adam Macbeth I wouldn't worry about it guys... I want a Black Sheep one day, and there could be fifteen companies making replicas in different countries and writing different names on them, but for all the reasons you have mentioned above, I will still want and seek a Black Sheep... So screw that ********

22 hours ago · Like · 7


Rich Porcher it's a good thing you shared this story. Sadly it happen too often, in any kind of crafts when passion , talent and love gets "recycled" into $$.

btw, I'm far from being able to afford a black sheep bike, I just subscribe to your FB page to show my friends what marvels someone can do with proper love for the good work

You know you do good, and the right people know too.

21 hours ago · Like · 4


Harvey Horn Never heard of Budnitz. I have heard of Black Sheep. That is all!

21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 7


Jeremy Wen That goon only has two of your blessed designs. There're more up your sleeves to keep him peeved.


Karma will catch up with that bloke.

21 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Paolo Esguerra All support to you guys! It is honestly my dream to one day contact you guys and ask you to build the bike of my dreams when finances allow. And no matter how close to your product or how cheap the replica is, it still won't have the soul and the passion than one of your bikes bring. It still won't be a Black Sheep. So big up to you guys and more power! Keep on doing what you guys are doing because I'm pretty sure you're the best in the industry at it! Cheers!

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


William Wendling Good to know, ingles and black sheep were my fav builders at the Sacramento hand build bike show

20 hours ago via mobile · Like


Jen Green I'm glad you cleared the air on this one. Makes me angry that he had the balls to reproduce what is clearly a Black Sheep design and to put HIS name to it. Ugh. Proud to be a Black Sheep owner!!!

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 4


Brian Butrico well that is horseshit. ill be bashing them at every opportunity. two key points: Asian QC...(or lack there of), and weld quality (there are structural welds, artistic welds, and then blacksheep welds that are both).

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2


Don Meredith Sorry guys. As I understand it that's basically how Specialized started on the back of Tom Ritchey's work. It's disappointing when people don't have the character to either be original or at least don't hop someone else's train. Deep breath.. soldier on.

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Owen Sherlock They're similar but there's nothing uniquely Black Sheep about them, alot of the design features are found in other bikes. Accept the flattery and move on, your customers won't be interested in them anyway.

20 hours ago · Like · 2


Jonathan Lang So that's the crappy ass bike I keep seeing advertised on Facebook. Guess I'll be reporting that ad as spam.

20 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Jim Wright I don't imagine that many of your potential customers would have much interest in one of these, but for those who do, they clearly have no idea what they're missing. -- Another Proud BS Owner

19 hours ago · Like


Alexander Greig yep if you want the real thing do your homework and find out who makes the real thing. Blacksheep does, and thats all I need to know. I am lucky enough to own a Blacksheep.

19 hours ago · Like


Aaron Joppe Amen

19 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2


Dan Vold So many choice comments, I will only say I have a Sheep and I will have another.

19 hours ago · Like


Ian Staudt This type of thing has happened to several of my friends in the custom motorcycle industry as well. Sadly it's the nature of "business" these days when conducted by people only motivated by profit. Keep doing things your own way and you'll always be recognized and appreciated for the quality you put into your bikes.

18 hours ago · Like · 2


Kim West um, I'm a lawyer, so I think like this...

have you contacted an attorney? do you patent or otherwise protect your designs? if so, you might own him.

if not, you should before he owns you.

btw, although we aren't BS owners, we certainly are BS admirers.

18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Nicole Underwood Nothing but love for you guys. Keep building your quality work. Honesty and integrity always come out on top.

18 hours ago · Like · 2


Kim West part 2:

numbers-- on a, say, $7000 bike, I'm thinking your satisfied customer would be glad to pay an additional $100 to defray the cost of your legal fees to protect your bike designs and techniques.

call it a bidnutz surcharge.

18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Doug Smith at least we know HOW and WHY our products are built, why they're designed as they are, and what each little component does to its flex and performance, all the cloners can say is "here it is, it's awesome, huh?"

18 hours ago · Like · 1


Mike Paylor You know they did remind me of your bikes when I saw his ad. I'm surprised we never made that connection.

18 hours ago · Like


Nicholas Williams Paul Budnitz is a douche. I will spread the message. His company is a fraud and the cycling community will not support him. Keep being original black sheep. Can't wait to order a fattie from y'all. Cjell Monē is a badass and enlightened me about your product on his tour divide run last year. Any bike that can survive that punishment is a testament to American craft quality and engineering!

18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Nicholas Williams Stick to making kids toys you moron!

18 hours ago via mobile · Like


Nicholas Williams And definitely enlist that attorney to patent your frame designs

18 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Alan Vogt You suck Mr B.

17 hours ago · Like


Drew Hagen James, you are FAR too nice. I'm still saving for a project from you.

17 hours ago · Like


Philip Rohrer Thanks for the info. I thought they were cool looking bikes, but the backstory certainly changes my opinion of Budnitz. Unfortunately I am not in a position to buy a BlackSheep any time soon, but I have ridden my friend's and it is something to aspire to. I appreciate small passion driven companies the produce such works of art (frame builders, component makers, micro brewers) and support them when I can. If you fight this, best of luck. If you decide not to, I think the demographics for true cyclists vs. vain posers who need an expensive accessory will not dilute your customer base.

17 hours ago · Like · 2


Sarah Mah Withers Hmmm... I had never heard of the other brand before. This rant made me google them. Very "vanilla" bikes (and by that I mean not the lugged Vanilla). Sure there is a ghost of what you build there, but they are obviously not Black Sheep.

17 hours ago · Like · 1


Andrew 'Korea' Williams oh internet.... "Budnitz: I tend to burn bridges behind me, and I wouldn’t recommend that anyone do just what I do." -- Seems like an ass to me.

17 hours ago · Like · 3


Patrick West Douche-budnitz

17 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1


Philippe Alberti Budnitz ? Who is Budnitz

Black Sheep for ever

17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Johnnie Walker JERK

17 hours ago · Like


Randy Van What a total duck wad asshole. I won't even google his name as it increases his web traffic. All I know from reading this is greed and lots of money and a deviant nature for more money can really cause a heart ache for the little guy!

Best of luck moving forward Black Sheep bikes and may wealth follow

17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Paul Ellis Obviously you guys have a lot of love. Keep doing what you are doing. If I see these knockoff bikes I will educate the shop owners and bike owners.

17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2


Tony DiPaolo Mr. B is a super mr.D!!!!!! F him in the A...... As thought I don't own one of your bike( not yet) I been workin in bikes shops in jersey for 18 yrs and always hype up black sheep when guys come in looking for unique bike frames.... Plus Jen green makes some awesome head badges for you dudes.... Hope it all works out for you dudes. Keep that pma ....

17 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Kronus LeSpears This scares the **** out of me. Can anyone just come along and steal without any conscience or shame? Can this be done without any recourse of the owner of the designs? Boggles the mind at how little integrity some people have and how the artistic and trusting get shafted by the rich and greedy. Budnitz will forever equate for me; a lack of honesty, integrity and original thought.

17 hours ago · Like · 1


Andrew Gutshall Budnitz is the Trump of the bicycle industry.

16 hours ago · Like · 2


Isaac Jarrett Black Sheep, Sacha, Rick Hunter, Curtis Inglis, Kent Eriksen, never seen the name Budnitz until this post.... You can't buy style, you can't buy the soul that the above put in to their work.

16 hours ago · Like · 2


Sherry Haller George lame! I LOVE my black sheep bike

16 hours ago via mobile · Like


Adam LaForme What's a Budshitz? 2 Sheep in the garage and will never part with them!

16 hours ago · Like


Eric Potyondy I would love to read all about this in Velo News or Mountain Flyer ... One could speculate on whether there might be claims for a portion of the money Mr. B has made.

16 hours ago · Like · 2


Caleb Ely I think Rich Dawson needs to pay this Budnitz guy a visit. What a dick.

16 hours ago · Like · 1


Jeffrey T. Sims They say imitation is the greatest form of flattery!! I love my sheep and would never consider buying a knock off. Keep doing what you do, I am sure it will all work out

16 hours ago via mobile · Like


Sid Rappe It will come around to him...keep doing what you do and doing it with love. My Blacksheep was built with love and that is the one bike I will always keep.

16 hours ago · Like


Curtis Inglis Thanks for the shout out and setting the record straight on how Budnitz started his company on the back of Black Sheep. Keep up the good work.

16 hours ago · Like · 12


Nicholas Williams Paul dbag budnitz is now disputing your claim on his personal artist fan page stating that he got inspiration for his frame designs from world war 1 paratrooper folding bikes. You should definitely take this to Eddie Clark at mountain flyer magazine. The cycling community should know about this and boycott his product.

15 hours ago via mobile · Like · 8


Randy van Vliet You can read business case history's about stuff like this.... Look up Powell Fly rods, and what happened to them when Charles Schwab folks got ahold of them, the, then go take a look at Winston Fly rods for the next chapter. Those pigs don't fly, when the passion, the heart and soul, and the DNA that makes the Original is gone, it's gone. End of chapter, end of story.

15 hours ago · Edited · Like


Randy van Vliet Want another example, look at Ellesworth and suspension patents, and Dave Turner...

15 hours ago · Like · 1


Ed Vita I don't currently own one of your bikes but this story rings a familiar tone to some instances in my entrepreneurial career. I will look you up when the time comes. In the meantime I will spread the word, do some research on Mr. B and keep looking for 'love' in products that I buy.

15 hours ago · Like · 1


Robbie Jackson shared this and un "liked" Budnitz page. I am a supporter of small, local builders and will build a Black Sheep one day now that you guys are my "local" builder

15 hours ago · Like · 1


Lisa Brady I love my Black Sheep and will support you to the end of time. I am also an artist and when my things are copied it is sad.

15 hours ago via mobile · Like


Karly Ree Ward I agree with the lawyer - what ground do you have for intellectual copyright or design patent? if he patents first, could he sue you? This is a grey area in the visual arts, and as you are creating works of art, I would see where you stand! And obviously in any handmade industry - the people that care about the difference will always care, and we all know how great you are!

15 hours ago via mobile · Like


Grant Rubinson email sent

15 hours ago via mobile · Like


Adam Aufdermauer Well said! Is there any history between BS and Jones? Not pointing any fingers, its just something I know nothing about.

14 hours ago · Like


Nate Davidson He is erasing any comments with references to Black Sheep on his site. Fyi..

14 hours ago · Like · 3


James Dean Unbelievable! What a scum bag, silver spoon piece of garbage! Nothing will ever compare to the quality and craftsmanship of your awesome cycles. I work right around the corner from your shop and have ridden by a few of you and appreciate your friendliness and willingness to stop and share your beautiful craftsmanship. BLACKSHEEP ROCKS!!

14 hours ago via mobile · Like


Mark Savory I'll always buy the original when I want the best.

14 hours ago · Like · 2


Brandon Bogardus This is good to know. Keep up the good work.

13 hours ago · Like


Matt Wells It's like a guns n roses cover band. There's only 1 Axel Rose. There's only 1 Black Sheep bicycles.

13 hours ago via mobile · Like · 2


Nathan Cost Never even heard of Budshitz or whatever until today. Can't see one of those knickoffs in my (nor any other mtb'rs) list of dream frames to ride.

13 hours ago via mobile · Like


Maggie Chickey what a douche!!

13 hours ago · Like


Richard Chris Corona His bikes will be in Walmart in no time

12 hours ago via mobile · Like


Black Sheep Bikes Hello everyone, Todd Heath here. We appreciate your support. I have obviously sparked a fire storm with this comment which is no surprise. We have held our tongues for several years about this subject but have recently been bombarded with questions and comments about it so I felt our experience should be known. We wish no ill will towards Mr. B he can do as he pleases. We also want to make it clear that we take no claim on our designs as being without heavy influence from all of the people who have made bikes before us. There is however a difference between borrowing the lines of classic bikes and taking a bike and claiming it as your own creation. I make the case that you have choices in this world. Do so as you see fit. - Todd

12 hours ago · Like · 15


Jay Emery Someone who truly appreciates a finely crafted bike will gravitate naturally to that. The mass produced bike is just that, and is marketed to those with somewhat an interest in bikes, but not the full blown aficionado. They are two totally different customers and each doesn't diminish the other because of that.

12 hours ago via mobile · Like


Dustin Gaddis No serious cyclist would buy a budbitz.

12 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Bryan Browning So Budnitz has money... As the late Edward Abbey said," rich people aren't nice; that's why they're rich". And Budnitz doesn't seem to have any scruples, either. It all comes back around...eventually!

12 hours ago · Like · 2


Eric Baar "I'm not mad they stole my ideas, I'm sad they don't have any of their own.". Tesla.

11 hours ago via mobile · Like · 21


Ed Estlow Props, man...

11 hours ago · Like


Black Sheep Bikes Nicely put Eric Baar

11 hours ago · Like · 2


Mark Veno Memories of Tom Ritchey, Gary Fisher....and Mike Sinyard.

11 hours ago · Like · 2


Todd Bruce Imitation the highest form of flattery! Buy orignal!

11 hours ago · Like


Sarai Snyder The beauty of your designs and craftsmanship will always win in the end. Keep doing what you do and being great folks, the cycling industry is better for it! One day maybe we will all be fortunate enough to ride one of your elegant steeds!

11 hours ago · Edited · Like


Matt Viara Looks like he's a pop culture maven with dough...the avid cyclist will avoid his mass produced bikes. Maybe someone who buys a Budnitz first buys a handmade bike next...who knows...rising ride and all that.

11 hours ago via mobile · Like


Jason Riddle BikeSnob NYC sure loved the Budnitz...

11 hours ago · Like · 3


Nathaniel H. Freeman Funny. "Mr. B" approached us at Freeman Transport right before he came to you. We had a similar response.

10 hours ago · Like · 1


Michael Ackerman this guy talks out of both corners of his mouth....he's a hippy-crit! http://paulbudnitz.com/post/20118972670/on-bicycles-non-attachment-and-living-well




I was reading a nice review of one of my bicycles on a web site this afternoon, ...See more

10 hours ago · Like


T.c. Worley Ironic that his promotional films are based on theft scenarios?!

9 hours ago · Like


Daniel Stromborg Well played.

9 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Sam Whittingham Luckily NOBODY can do real Blacksheep like Blacksheep. Anything else is just a cheap rip-off.

8 hours ago · Like · 2


Daniel Maday I, respectfully, gave Mr. B my opinion on what he is doing. I have no doubt that the post will be removed shortly. As a resident of Fort Collins and someone in the cycling industry, I say keep up the good fight Blacksheep! I love your bikes!

8 hours ago · Like · 1


Barry Devenney It's good to hear the backstory of this. What a dick move.

8 hours ago · Like


Perry Dickerson Something tells me I can't ride to his shop and talk design options for my bike while enjoying a beer in good company. That, in addition to superior quality, is what sets BS apart. I'm eagerly looking forward to riding my BS (secret design, sorry budnutz). It'll be soon, right Todd?

8 hours ago via mobile · Like


Don Walker I'd be curious as to what the laws are for intellectual property, since you obviously had a relationship prior to him wanting to move forward with this. And one thing I know about life on this rock in all of my 46 years, and that is Karma is a bitch.

7 hours ago · Like · 4


Mark Peterson What a Douche

7 hours ago · Like


Cesar Agustin Wow, that blows. Did not realize the connection. Officially unsubscribed from their mailing list AND won't be seeing me buy any of 'those' robots.

7 hours ago · Like


Peter Verdone It's clear from all his information on his site and ads that I've read that he know nothing about bikes. Then again, Public Bikes is exactly the same with huge success. I guess the only real defence is an educated public. Something that will never happen in the bike world.

7 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Peacock Groove Paint some disc wheels. Nobody dares to copy that!!!

6 hours ago · Like


Serge-Emile Simpson Like school on Sunday: no class.

6 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Brad Hodges Mr. B has no ethics whatsoever , I build a custom bike for one of his previous companies store opening in Miami. Once it was done we were told their was no money left in the budget but if I was ok with them displaying it they would try to sell it . Once it arrived at the store they priced it out of any human's budget and displayed the bike for months . Once we asked for it back they threw it in a box and send it back . No careful disassembly and not boxed or packed in the same carful manor shipped . Long story short the bike was destroyed by UPS and mr. B had the nerve to lay blame on UPS for the damage not HIS EMPLOYEE who took everything apart and threw it in a box loosely .

The bike industry can do without Mr. Budnitz and his questionable business practices and lack of ethics !!

6 hours ago via mobile · Like · 3


Todd Posson I knew that his bikes were stupid when I saw them. Now I know for sure.

5 hours ago via mobile · Like


Royal Huberto For real, Budnitz? That's one of the doofiest names I've ever heard of...

4 hours ago via mobile · Like · 1


Stan Underwood All I know is that you guys designed and made a titanium rear rack for my beloved GT Xizang, and you impressed me! You guys and your great attitude is what built America and made her great. You're the greatest! Thank you.

3 hours ago · Like


Christopher Mavronikolas GOLLEY111thats over 468 words ..if you where speaking ,thats over 500 dollers...

3 hours ago · Like


Paul Hogan I hate how cocky Budnitz is, he acts like everything he does is a new form of art and if you don't follow his ways your wrong. He just doesn't get it.

3 hours ago · Like · 1

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