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Bike Dot for your bike


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You might know Datadot as a company that micro dots motor vehicles.


Table Mountain Bikers have teamed up with Datadot in a pilot project to create awareness for the Bike Dot system for your bicycle.


What I would like to do is offer the first 20 respondents that have had had their bike stolen a Datadot kit to apply the micro dots to the the new bike or the bike you have left.


I know this is an after the fact offer, but had the bike been dotted before it was stolen, your details would have been on the Datadot database and if recovered, the link between bike and owner can be established much quicker and you avoid the thief saying it's his cousin's bike he is borrowing, the usual raft of excuses.


Plus, Datadot is legislated and can be used as evidence in court.

Datadot have trained SAPS officials and provided them with training and the means to identify a dotted bike.


We will do the same training here in Cape Town with SAPS, CCID, San Parks and Bike shop owners.


Please visit the Datadot website at www.datadot.co.za and read about the product.

A brand new Applicator has just been developed and will be ready soon, but in the meantime I can offer the current system which is still simple to use.


I think this is an easy and sensible way to ID your bike and adds a layer of security which is cost effective. That's why I chose to get involved.


It's not a GPS device, but it links you with your bike.

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It's a good idea in principle: anything to combat theft.

But this system will only be effective if the bike is recovered.

With police force stretched thin as it is, I doubt if they will they go round and enforce random scanning.

Also microdot technology is linked to the natis system. Will they run a separate data roll for bicycles?


Perhaps wait for the new application as I've seen micro dots come off the minute the area is heated slightly.

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You still have one for me? if so can collect this eve at the night ride.

I do have one for you. Will give it to you tonight.
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