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Which Crank?


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Hi Guys


I stated in an earlier thread I struggled with my gearing on the hills at the 94.7, although it could be, in part, due to my burly frame.


My bike currently has a 52/42 crank and I want to know whether that should be changed to a 50/34 compact crank or a 50/39/30 triple.


Which of the aforesaid would be the cheapest taking all the changes into account and what difference would the crank make on hills.



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I would think that the cheapest would be to replace the 42 with a 39 but not sure if that gear will then be 'easy' enough for you ..... worth a shot though!

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I'd say go for the compact crank. I have a compact on my cafe bike and the lower gearing is very noticeable on hills

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