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    Ve souf

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  1. I see those local GP ones and would desperately love to do more of them but those eye watering entry fees 😭 ... To my budget anyway!
  2. Maybe unrelated since it was road bike specific but I went through a period where it happened to me every so often. After it happened on 2 different bikes (so not bike related) ,turned out I was just holding the bars to tight, focused on relaxing and hasn't happened since.
  3. I would posit that it's more 'dangerous/chaotic', in fact a lottery even if you will, to win a sprint ... just for that I am in awe of what Cav has achieved.
  4. Take that back, not true you Philistine!
  5. Just jumping in here, hope the OP doesn't mind Struggling to use the search function for some reason Looking for a broken left mechanical shifter, gears don't have to work at all. Just brake .... mechanical
  6. Another update, have enjoyed it as it was but I just can't not tinker 😜 The road derailleur with an extender just looks wrong to me, so 'forward' if you will I've also been wanting a 'bigger' gear, fitted an 11-36. Now though the chain is very loose and noisy in the smallest gear Decided to try an MTB derailleur rather, of course Grumpy from the Workshop providing the necessary bits and advice! Was told as long as it says 'exact actuation' on it it'll be fine. BONUS it's bloody red 😎
  7. I'm excited to see the racing and how Candice and Alan do, willing them on to bring some silverware home! The only thing in the back of my mind is that I, and it's just my opinion, think there's a lot of sandbagging going on amongst the top contenders .... Thinking PFP for example
  8. Too lazy to look back but what happened to 'it will be all over after the 4th day' predictors? Bit of a change in circumstance for me (not in a bad way) so I watch when and where I can, enjoying it though!
  9. Let's be honest being an 'upstanding member' counts less and less as time goes on I've certainly been lucky, only had one classifieds experience that left a bad taste in all these years. Have had great buying and selling experiences from both newish and old members. People, the older I get the less I'm surprised by how low they will go!
  10. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3040944
  11. Unpopular opinion perhaps but I don't think the sanction is unreasonable, it's a critical TT in a 'rather important RACE' not some dawdling along wait till we sprint later stage, maar nou ja hier sit ons
  12. Looking for some free speed? Apparently they make you go faster, think I'll print me one to try 🤓
  13. Thought maybe something serious but was just a vaping Polo driver apparently Maybe my imagination but its a different kind of cold on the Highveld... nee man!
  14. It only takes a few seconds to send a WhatsApp and keep a person informed but maybe that's just me...
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