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KILLARNEY 20.11.13


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Only 66 riders tonight.





1 Maroesjke Matthee

2 Bianca Holzkampf

3 Heletje van Staden

4 Linda van Wyk




1 Robin Harris

2 Jonathan Hartzenberg

3 Uwe Schmidt

4 Douglas Burger

5 Gary Muller

6 Marthinus Kruger

7 Kobus Barnard

8 Dennis Laminga

9 Nichol Jordaan

10 Branwill Blaauw


Next week last session for the year. Please remember dog/cat food donation.



midge & Sharon

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That was a very, very fast +1 group :) At one stage we were consistently catching the scratch group...


Anyways, amazing ride by Uwe and the other boys who pulled us slackers along.

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Seems we have a whole new bunch of names for scratch next week and next year - top 10 finish and you scratch - those are the rules the way I recall!!



Be gentle with us next week..

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Killarney Race Report

by Dennis Lamminga


As the year draws to a close, only 66 riders lined up for our normal Wednesday bash around Killarney track. We were only about half of the normal tally of riders, but with the Double Century only 3 days away, most riders were probably resting the legs before the arduous 202 km trek around the Swellendam area.


We headed off in Scratch + 1 again. I sensed that tonight was going to be different as for some reason, Master Uwe Schmidt started with us. He normally starts with the Elite bunch. As soon as Sharon said, “Off you go!”, he was up ahead leading us through the first few corners. Jonathan Hartzenberg (Complete Cyclist), Gary (Intellibus) and Douglas Burger (Prime Cleaning supplies) took turns up front. I felt a bit guilty so did about 1 minute’s work up front, only to realise that I’d definitely burn out if I kept this up! So with my tail between my legs, I limped back to the middle of the peloton, humbled by the strength of the veteran riders up front.


Mario (Outriders), Bianca (City Cycling Club), Robin Harris (Cycles Direct) and I just watched in awe as we whizzed around the track. The relentless pace had an effect: at around the halfway mark I could still see Scratch at the same place every corner. They were not closing the gap, and at one stage we were even closing the gap on them.., maybe tonight will be the night we can stay away from the Elites?


The boys upfront were still putting their heads down working tirelessly into the wind. Lap after lap they would take turns leading the pack. Nearing the end there were some guttering, but the peloton was strong and we remained entact most of the way.


With about 3 laps to go we realised the unthinkable: we’re going to stay away from the Elites! Our handicap of a shorter 1st lap obviously aided us to stay ahead, but we were excited nonetheless. Robin from Cycles Direct was sitting nicely and getting very excited about the last lap. His enthusiasm was infectious! Suddenly the bell went and we moved towards the front to get a great position around the top bend. Over the last few meters we managed an average of 60+ kmph and Robin sprinted to his first win at Killarney – congratiolations Robin!


Killarney Accolades go to:


Killarney Accolades go to Oom Uwe, Douglas, Gary, Jonathan and a few more die-hard souls who rode with their hearts on their sleeves and proved that Scratch + 1 can stay away from the Elites (even though it doesn’t happen too often! ;-). With our top 10 finish, we are now nervously excited to start with the big boys next week.


Thanks Sharon and Midge – once again your happy smiles make Killarney so worthwhile.


Rgds, Denny


Pic: Robin Harris (Cycles Direct) preparing for his first win at Killarney Race Track – Well done Robin!

(pic courtesy of Alan van Schoor)


Edited by Denny Menchov
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Nice report.


Any more pics? I saw there was someone with a GoPro strapped to the bottom of his seat and a few pro looking guys snapping away.


Awesome night (well, for the +1's in any case ;) )

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Nice report :) Really enjoyed +1's last night and also want to say thanks to the group of 4 and in particular Uwe who pulled us around! I'm still trying to work out how we stayed away from the scratch? Was it a particularly fast pace?


I also always see guys taking heaps of photos and would love to see them if they are up somewhere?

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I don't think it was the fast pace...................think it was the sight of Sharon and I walking around the track that put Scratch right off their stride :D

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