BDF Posted June 29, 2016 Author Posted June 29, 2016 I know you said that donations are closed, but this picture got me to make a donation this morning.Thanks eddy. You're a good man! They needed to tally up the pre-race amounts but please feel free to make donations any time. The bank account supplied above is the Herberg Kinderhuis account. I'm sure they appreciate every cent they receive!
BDF Posted June 30, 2016 Author Posted June 30, 2016 Day 4: 2016/06/29, 5:56:19 AM: Balie Swart: 100km vandag. 1500m se klim. Hier gaan ons alweer. Spring 08h00 weg!! Massive!! Rooiberg hier kom ons!! 2016/06/29, 4:52:56 PM: Balie Swart: Klaar met stage 4. Almal by huis in Calitzdorp. Massive!! Rooiberg 5x erger as Ouberg en gister se skof. 5uur 10 min in saal!! 2016/06/29, 10:25:22 PM: Balie Swart: Was bitter nukkerig vanmiddag!! 2016/06/29, 10:26:08 PM: Balie Swart: Yskoud. - 5 vanoggend!! 2016/06/29, 10:28:00 PM: Balie Swart: Kom daar van heel onder!! 2016/06/29, 10:28:35 PM: Balie Swart: Rooiberg op!! 2016/06/29, 10:30:14 PM: Balie Swart: Vanoggend toe ons wegtrek uit Ladysmith!! 2016/06/29, 10:34:42 PM: Balie Swart: Amazing Experience!! Dankie vir al jul support!! Waardeer sooooo baie!!2016/06/29, 10:37:11 PM: Balie Swart: Niks raak maklik nie! My gat is seer maar waardeer alles wat julle vir Herberg Kinderhuis doen. Lekker paar rooiwyne geniet, goeie massage en nou gaan ek slaap. Spring 08h00 weg!! Love you all!!2016/06/29, 10:42:39 PM: Balie Swart: Vandag was nogals bitter erg. Baie tyd gehad om dankbaar te wees waarvoor ek hierdie race doen!! Elke km Rooibergpas op was tough na gister se ry! Bitter trots om dit vir hierdie kinders te doen. Lekker slaap!!
BDF Posted July 1, 2016 Author Posted July 1, 2016 Day 5: 2016/06/30, 7:10:55 AM: Balie Swart: Nou ja!! Hier gaan ons alweer!! Styf en seer maar harte op regte plek. Vandag George toe!! Dankie vir al jul support. Lekker om al die comments in die aande te lees. Love you all!! 2016/06/30, 3:57:15 PM: Balie Swart: Veilig in George. 6uur 10 min in saal.2016/06/30, 4:02:31 PM: Balie Swart: Ek is op manne!! Moes vandag hardwerk om almal gelyk in George te kry. Gaan ernstige paar Rooiwyne vat vannaand!!2016/06/30, 4:03:52 PM: Balie Swart: My gat is seer!!2016/06/30, 4:18:15 PM: Balie Swart: Sonnie....ons moet maar stoot en help waar mens kan!! Gelukkig gaan dit by my oor samehorigheid!! 2016/06/30, 6:08:36 PM: Balie Swart: Mooi skoon bikes vir môre se laaste stage!
BDF Posted July 1, 2016 Author Posted July 1, 2016 Day 6 - THE FINAL DAY OF THIS GREAT EVENT!! 2016/07/01, 7:39:55 AM: Balie Swart: Nou toe julle great mense!! Hier gaan ons met laaste skof. Nat en koud met lekker windjie van agter!! Love you all????2016/07/01, 7:43:30 AM: Balie Swart: Massive!! Will add more to this post when Balie finishes the stage. This has been "massive" for Balie and he is extremely grateful both for the opportunity to ride for the cause and for the funds collected for it! Thanks to all who participated financially!
BDF Posted July 2, 2016 Author Posted July 2, 2016 Wrap up: 2016/07/01, 10:18:17 PM: Balie Swart: Amazing aand. R400 000 ingesamel deur almal op hierdie toer vir Herberg Kinderhuis! 2016/07/01, 10:24:58 PM: Balie Swart: Dankie aan al jul amazing mense en support en donasies! Het vannaand prys gewen as ryer wat meeste geld ingebring het. R 92 700.00 ingebring vir Kinderhuis!! Waardeer jul donasie en verskil wat julle in hierdie kinders se lewens maak. Julle is champions!! Love you all!! Lekker aand. Ek gaan nog bietjie rooiwyn drink! Praat môre. 2016/07/01, 10:41:32 PM: Balie Swart: Die organiseerders het gehoop hierdie toer gaan R180 000.00 inbring soos in 2015. Toe slaan ons R 400 000 vir hierdie kinders!! Bitter humble vannaand!!2016/07/01, 10:52:57 PM: Balie Swart: Hoe laaik julle my pienk hempie tussen die girls!! Ek is mal oor pienk!! 2016/07/01, 10:55:57 PM: Balie Swart: Hell....ek is bitter trots vannaand!! Bitter spesiaal. ????
Joeboy69 Posted July 4, 2016 Posted July 4, 2016 Sorry about pic quality. Received the newsletter today, letters like these make you sign up for a debit order. Come on you know you want to!
BDF Posted July 5, 2016 Author Posted July 5, 2016 Sorry about pic quality. Received the newsletter today, letters like these make you sign up for a debit order. Come on you know you want to!Cool post Joeboy69
BDF Posted July 21, 2016 Author Posted July 21, 2016 Just received this letter from Balie. Thanks to all who contributed. Hallo AlmalWat ‘n absolute belewenis was dit nie!!Trane het in my oe geskitter toe ons die finale tjek van R 400 000.00 aan die Herberg Kinderhuis oorhandig.Ek is sooo gebless met sulke amazing vriende met sulke sagte harte vir hierdie kindertjies.Ek weet nie hoe om julle te bedank nie, maar weet net dat ek julle baie liefhet!!Hierdie sweet en swoeg oor 700 km met 8900 meter se klim het ek regtig intens opgedra aan daai kindertjies en dit was so “HUMBLE” om iets te kon doen waarvoor ek ‘n ongelooflike passie het.2017 gaan ek hierdie race weer ry!! As iemand voel om saam te ry…..laat my weet. Die datums is 25 Junie – 02 Julie 2017.Goeie vriende word tydens so ‘n race gemaak. Ek sluit af en copy hierdie brief van Ernest wat saam gery het in om te geniet!Indien julle ‘n Artikel 18 belasting sertifikaat verlang kontak asb vir Petro Uren. Kyk ook na Bedankings brief van Herberg Kinderhuis wat as Attachment aangeheg is!Love you all!! Text of the letter of Ernest Vermeulen to his staff:Morning JJ and Petro(and fellow cyclists)As life returns to normal I thought I would share an e-mail I sent to the staff this morning sharing with them what was another amazing CA2CX. Morning to all of youLast week I rode a cycle event, Cape Town to Knysna, in aid of Die Herberg orphanage in Robertson. This is the institution many of you contributed to by sponsoring the reading program for the children. Last Monday we had lunch at The Herberg. Seeing kids there who had nowhere to go for the school holiday stays with you for the rest of the ride. Sitting on a saddle for more than six hours a day gives you time to reflect on how fortunate most of us are and how different life could have been. Suddenly you view life differently.On the Sunday the wind was the strongest I have ever ridden in. Clocking 87km/hour on the flat indicates the strength of the wind. Monday's was a stormy and rainy start. The next three days the temperature in the morning was -4 degrees. On Tuesday and Wednesday we did two legendary mountain passes, Ouberg and Rooiberg, which tested our physical abilities. The final day into Knysna started and ended in the rain. Wet and cold. In the end we did 695 km with a total of 8910m of ascent.On Friday morning standing in the rain I was talking to Balie Swart, a 95 World Cup hero, and we agreed that when you just think of the kids in the orphanage the hardships we endured in the week is actually nothing. As I came into Knysna in the pouring rain with a happy heart knowing my family would be there to welcome me my thoughts went back to The Herberg - FAMILY- something many of us take for granted is the very thing the kids in the orphanage yearn for most of their lives. How fortunate we are. A humbling and emotional experience for all the riders.Petro, an organizer of the event, who was an orphan herself, ensured the event was a massive success which resulted in the cyclists raising R400 000 at the gala event on the last evening of the ride. Cycling for a cause results in a bunch of like-minded cyclists becoming firm friends within a few tough days in the saddle.Hopefully our small contribution will lead to the kids reaching their full potential in life.When I finished writing this I could hear Balie say “ F.. manne ons verstaan net nie wat hierdie kinders deurgaan nie”RegardsErnest VermeulenManaging DirectorConnoisseur Electronics (Pty) LtdSpectrum Communications (Pty) Ltd Text from letter of thanks from Herberg Kinderhuis: 21 Julie 2016Die Herberg Kinderhuis huisves 122 sorgbehoewende kinders. Die kinders se ouderdom wissel van baba tot 18 jaar oud. Graag wil ons elke persoon wat vir Balie geborg het vir die CA2CX TOER hartlik bedank. Dit is ongelooflik hoe almal hul harte oopgemaak het. Balie se totaal wat hy ingesamel het deur borgskappe beloop R93 500.00. In totaal het hy R149 500.00 ingesamel vir die Kinderhuis. Ons harte loop oor van dankbaarheid.Ons waardeer elkeen se bydrae. Dankie vir die verskil wat u in ons kinders se lewe maak.Indien u ‘n Artikel 18 A belasting sertifikaat verlang kontak my gerus Nogmaals baie dankie.KINDERHUISGROETEPetro UrenBEMARKER/FONDSWERWER
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