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Polar vitality points and garmin


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Nice to see there is some action on this. The contact with vitality is good and I think we should get a petition started or at least an explanation why we cant have what other products have. I still wonder why garmin doesn't follow this up as it will add value to its product.

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Finally some people who know how to use it! Log any race. Road' date=' mtb or running, you get points. Fitness assessment (done at accredited biokineticist) which you can claim back from med aid savings... 7500 points a time and you can do 2 a year... HIV test - 5000 points. Stop smoking - 5000 points. Online tests, up to 9500 points, overnight.



Yep, it's very easy, that's why I'm sitting on 87500 pointsClapClapClapClapClap
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Anyone have an idea on the best way to put a petition together we could do it as a poll but i think it would work better if we could put our names down and then forward it.

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Anyone have an idea on the best way to put a petition together we could do it as a poll but i think it would work better if we could put our names down and then forward it.


Maybe you guys should send a request thru to discovery, to add Garmin to their system.  They already have  wide variety of products under their Vitality banner, so adding another major HR monitor product will definately add more value...... 
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Problem with that is the existing arrangement with Polar would prevent that from happening. Business rules and all that lark. It'd be bad business to go with Garmin to the detriment of the agreement with Polar, if there is an exclusivity clause in the contract.


However, I'm sure Polar will be releasing something in the near future, that if not better thatn the Garmin, will surely do the same thing as it. Plus, as i said earlier - it's bad business to have agreements with 2 seperate companies who do the same thing (from the supplier side, not Disco side) so I'm sure Garmin would try the same thing, and get an exclusivity clause in, effectively rendering the poor guys with Polars as helpless.


However, if said exclusivity clause WERE removed, there is a distinct possibility of it happening.


Saying that, Disco are very good at listening to their clients. And with 2mill plus members, they have a significant amount of weight behind that punch...


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Guest Michelle

Garmin is a Momentum Multiply partner... unfortunately Multiply haven't yet added the functionality of being able to upload HR files... would be nice though Wink  Nice discounts on Garmin products though... they also offer Suunto.


I've already asked about adding functionality to upload polar files to Multiply, but they said that they aren't allowed to because Vitality has sole rights to it... I don't think Vitality would want to lose that.


It's pretty stupid if you ask me... Discovery / Momentum are both Firstrand companies but they are eachothers biggest competition LOL
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Sorry Michelle, Discovery Life / Health / Invest / Vitality are Discovery Holdings Companies... they not owned by Firstrand anymore, even though there is a small stake somewhere. And Momentum is the enemy.  With that, I agree.


Otherwise, if Momentum have Garmin, no way they're gonna give them up!








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Why bother with polar / garmin points. the easiest and quickest way is through SA - Active 3 X 100K races = 15000 points with 5000 bonus points for the 5th logged race. then the fitness tests @ virgin will get the balance of bonus points.


I rack up 75000 points by june every year and fill in the gaps with all the other tests during the balance of the year.
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I don't = I do exactly what you're doing. Online tests that take 5 mins, doing long rides and the fitness assessments.


Easy peasy. 150 points for a gym visit and max 200 for a polar readout per day is paltry stuff if you ask me. Just do the events!


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Why bother with polar / garmin points. the easiest and quickest way is through SA - Active 3 X 100K races = 15000 points with 5000 bonus points for the 5th logged race. then the fitness tests @ virgin will get the balance of bonus points.


I rack up 75000 points by june every year and fill in the gaps with all the other tests during the balance of the year.


yes but it costs R200 odd bucks to join SA active. where as if you've got a polar it doesnt cost you anything
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What can you do with Vitality points these days?

(not sure what the present perks are; not a member anymore, just Discovery member)


I was a Vitality member for several years. Got gold status; no problem if you read the material every year. 2 fitness tests used to almost do it.


We used Vitality a few times for holidays etc, but hotels etc are not my scene.

Then did the sums again and found that the monthly vitality membership fee could be better spent on things that I actually want rather than being limited to what is available on the points list.



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POints translate into better savings on your spend at partner stores, lower increases on your life policies than you would normally get, Cash back, discounts on flights, movies and another very nice one coming out next year...


Not to mention gym membership at a discounted rate... Went in to change mine over to a Vitality membership last week, and just out of interest asked what the "new" price for a 2 year premier contract was.... R399 per month! Now, i dunno about you - but that alone makes Vitality worthwhile! Same membership will cost you R85 per month thru Vitality. Add R 92 for Vitality premium, you're saving R 222 per  month! That's 30 loaves of bread, or 28 litres of petrol...


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Vitality membership for me and my wife = R200pm = R2400pa.

This is excluding the cost of fitness tests and activation fees for benefits etc.


With Vitality you need to go big, i.e. get max points and use as many as possible of the big benefits (air tickets, hotel stay) every year to make it worth while.

Else it is better not to join at all.


There is no local Virgin Active in town for us and you need to see many movies before you make up R2400 in sayings. smiley1.gif


Many people get suckered by the potential savings, but then never get the points to get the true benefit.


I am not knocking Vitality, it works for some. Just make sure you actually win at the end of the year.



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