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Thanks Groot Lem!


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if you guys know of sponsors for events please let me know. we need real racing for all category riders.

even if its for one day races, like a mass start double century!
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i also received the following mail. Get someone to translate Colonel.

I'm sorry about those hic ups, and also the fact that i wont say i was wrong, and i'm here to be the popular person.

we will improve next year, sorry to everyone that went to the crit, and i agree the marshalls werent well trained. will do better next time. also interesting that the rider saved himself for the crit.


hendrik -


ek het wel by du toitskloof opgery en af ook na die stadsaal waar niemand was nie


ek het ook 3 keer op die course verkeerd gery daardie dag omdat


1) jou marshals huis toe gegaan het, of

2) jou marshals agter die pale weggekruip het of

3) jou marshals geen idee het hoe om te wys watter kant toe nie en net sover kan kom om n vlaggie in die lug te waai

verder is dit verregaande dat jou dronk pel doepie, sy drank asem in my gesig kom blaas na die wellington stage...

dit nadat hy my vals beskuldig... swak styl


nog n groter joke is dat julle nommer 102 op GC warn omdat ek n bottel kry by die agterste kar in die convoy, terwyl die pros verby my gejaag kom gehak agter trokke en wat ook als.


en ja ek is n swak ryer, maar ek het wel die course voltooi elke dag


en ja ek het n bietjie gespaar vir die crit, want dit is waar ek die minder swakste is en jy weet ek kan n bunch attack vir n hotspot en dit wen as daar so iets is - wat ek tot jou verbasing in heldervue gedoen het. en by die PE crit voor dennis van niekerk en ander ladies wat in die giro ry die week...


my R500 het wel bygedra tot jou turnover en my license fooi dra ook by tot die salarisse wat CSA uitbetaal...


so ek het die reg om ingelig te word op n humane wyse as jy nie jou crit gaan hou nie -

iets soos n notice by die venue waar ek moet register?

of nicer sou n notice gewees het bo-op du toits kloof.


maar hoe dit ook al sy, ek sal eendag n age category SA champ wees, miskien oor 20 jaar as al my peers miskien dit die minste verwag...


verder bespeur ek net die ou afrikaanse trick waar niemand ooit verkeerd is nie en dit nooit in die publiek wil erken nie...

maar gou in die publiek die sterkste fighter kamstig wil wees -


maak maar met die comments wat jy goed dink - ek het 10 minute geneem om dit te tik....


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The reason I posted this was because the person said I'm pulling some Afrikaans trick where I wont admit I was wrong.

WE made some mistakes and sorry about that. public apology.

i'm meeting with ian tomorrow to discuss the race, and chat about next year.
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There was one problem with Boland Tour is that every team can only have one secondary car. So the secondary car follows the leader of the team, but when few guys dropped and those guys like me suffered with no water. It was so hot. I feel we need few guys on motorbike follow each bunch with few bottles of water like TDF. I gave up in the last stage because I can't ride in last 5okm without water.

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One thing that I've learnt over the years is that you'll never be able to please everybody....but as long as the majority is happy....


There was this particular Dad that swore at me last year at WP TT champs, and Saturday morning he chatted to me as if we were "old" buddies....


you win some....you loose some....life goes on !!
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American flyers, a mistake I wont make next year is to allow people without managers licences. if your support car leaves the rest behind to follow the leader, he needs to give some bottles to another car of a team that IS staying behind. So then your car can look after team B's rider in front. WE need more official neutral vehicles, that will carry your spares and refreshments.

But you car can also stop next to the road and wait for you , give you water and drive to the front. Its his responsibility to look after you.

But we CANT have more cars and motorbikes, sorry.
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I must say the marshal vehicles were more than accommodating. On the last day one of our riders dropped in the first 35km's...UCI rules states no feeding in the first 50km's...went to the vehicle, asked permission to feed him since we probably weren't going to see him for a few hours, and they were fine with it. The difference between experienced drivers and "dad following Frikkie in his mercedes" was very evident. Almost saw a Neotel rider taken out by one of these drivers..




That said, I had fun in the convoy and on more than one day ended up feeding riders from four teams. I think I went through twenty Cokes and the same amount of bottles (apart from what my guys brought)..fatcyclist2009-03-03 08:35:58

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