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Superseeding results!

Speed Devil

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So it seems Cyclelab have outdone themselves again. The results for the Carousel classic and Lost City are still not up, despite it being 2 months ago.

So it seems I'm going to be riding in the open categories AGAIN for the Telkom Satellite.Dead


What pisses me off the most is that Cycle events always says that results must be checked and correct before the will add the results to the superseeding ladder.


I think the timing companies should give cyclists 14 days to lodge a complaint. (If they don't do it with that time then it means they not interested in their results). Then all queries should be sorted out and handed over over to cycle events.


After all, we pay for their sevice so we should get better service from the timing companies. And of course Cycle events will happily sit back and just wait while the companies take their sweet time!!!!!OuchDead instaed of being pro active and chasing the timing companies.Angry
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Guest Agteros

Friday afternoon I phoned superevents/seeding w.r.t the seeding ladder, but more specifically about the 94.7. They claimed that they have not received the data from the timing companies. They mentioned something like 26 or 27 companies...


I then phoned Racetec. They claimed again that the data was sent to superseeding. However, they could not confirm the date on which this happened (only thought of this question after I spoke to the superevents people).


Racetec however said that the 94.7 seeding was done on their systems, and the seeding ladder will not be used. Satisfied my query, so I did not push it any further... Guess that means that no Championchip races will be taken into consideration then?


Yep, I think CSA should take ownership of the seeding ladder, and force the timing companies/event organisers to share the results with them (for the seeding ladder etc). This should be submitted automatically after 14 days or a month, as I get the impression that it all is a manual process.


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Guest Agteros

See that the seeding ladder "supported by CGC", so I'm thinking of phoning them tomorrow to find out more about this supposed 'seeding ladder' thingy they support.


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In my line of work, if a client doesn't give approval/comment on a design then after 14 days we consider it as being accepted by the client.


The same should apply with the timing companies.


I agree that CSA should take ownership of the seeding ladder, as this is a national thing. But then again, I don't know if CSA will be up to the task as they are still trying to sort out licenses, never mind still trying to run a seeding ladder. Let's not forget about the swimming pools being built and mercs being bought at the same timeOuch


I don't see how Racetec can say that only races timed by them will be used for the seeding on the 94,7. They only do the timing and results, NOT THE SEEDING!!!!!
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i have had a similar complaint with superseeding.

they say they do it for free.

except that the only reason they get commision on race entries is because they have a seeding program so thats a *** story.

strange thing is its quite difficult to find whos at fault!
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Guest Agteros

I've spoken to HSP(94.7 organisers) earlier the year and they also said that all Racetec races will be taken into consideration for seeding....


So it kinda ties up.


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Guest Agteros

Seeding index calc = (1-(WinnerTime/YourTime))*100


So if the Winnertime is 2:00 and yours is 3:00 you will get a seeding of 33.33. Same winner, you = 4:00. Seeding  = 50. Same winner you = 6:00, seeding = 66.66


WinnerTime might get adjusted for seeding purposes.

Lower seeding = better

Best(lowest) 3 seeding is averaged and that is your weighted seeding...


This is used (although some races use your BEST race seeding alone) to calculate the start batch for the races...


This what you want to know?
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Actually a weighted index is when the pros ride a different route to the rest of the riders like in the Carousel classic. A "winning time" for the open cats is calculated based on the ave speed of the pros in their longer distance.




However, the PPA uses the "weighted index" to their own advantage to disadvantage non WP cyclists so that the WP riders get better categories in the Argus

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Superseeding index is dependent on being able to get

results (timeously) from the timing companies. If the

results are late, complain to them.


They are not paid to do it, but provide it as a service.

CGC and CSA are supposed to do this, but are too

flipping useless. WPPA has their own seeding index

(used for the Argus - still?), but this is skewed towards

their members.


So either we thank Cycle Lab for doing what they can or

we have pretty much nothing.


Hobson's choice anyone?


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Seeding index calc = (1-(WinnerTime/YourTime))*100


So if the Winnertime is 2:00 and yours is 3:00 you will get a seeding of 33.33. Same winner' date=' you = 4:00. Seeding  = 50. Same winner you = 6:00, seeding = 66.66


WinnerTime might get adjusted for seeding purposes.

Lower seeding = better

Best(lowest) 3 seeding is averaged and that is your weighted seeding...


This is used (although some races use your BEST race seeding alone) to calculate the start batch for the races...


This what you want to know?


So even if my Pos is 2 096/151 813 - 1.4% and my weighted index is 18.083 is it means  I am 18.083% kakker than the fastest guy. Ouch
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Hobson's choice anyone?



Wasn't that a spinner who used to play for WeePee by the name of Denys ? Wink


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i have had a similar complaint with superseeding.

they say they do it for free.

except that the only reason they get commision on race entries is because they have a seeding program so thats a *** story.

strange thing is its quite difficult to find whos at fault!

Quite a number of races are not done through Supercycling and therefore get no commision , Argus, 94.7, Race4Victory, Amashova are some however Supercycling still uses them.
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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Agteros

It has been updated!!

Only Dome2Dome and <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Lost City though


But any progress is good hey?
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