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ARGUS Tandem entry up for substitution

Guest Big H

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We just arrived in Nigeria and the responsibilities of the new job is of such a nature that we will not be able to come to RSA to do the ARGUS. Anyways we are horrendously unfit and our new grandson arrives at the end of May when we will take our first home leave.

The do's and dont's of ARGUS substitution can be found here..... http://www.cycletour.co.za/substitutions.aspx Please read and understand it well and remember I will not be able to assist. I AM IN NIGERIA.


My asking price of the ticket is as following:-


ARGUS substitution rules:-


2. The entrant withdrawing may ask for the substitute entrant to refund their entry fee but they may not ask for more than they originally paid. PPA members paid R230, CSA members paid R260 and non-CSA members paid R295........ times two as it is a tandem entry


The selling of the ticket will take the form of a bid. Only Private Mail bids will be accepted and I will post the amounts (anonymously) on the Hub. The asking fee of the highest bidder must be paid into the account of FORA. Read more about FORA here...... http://www.fora.org.za/ I will only send the letter for substitution upon receipt of proof that the entry fee was was deposited.
Big H2010-01-20 13:10:52
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  • 7 years later...

Is this entry still available? Thanks!




Frikkie I suggest sending him a PM...  :ph34r:  :devil:


Oh and welcome, I think.  :whistling:

Edited by Tubehunter
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Frikkie I suggest sending him a PM... :ph34r: :devil:


Oh and welcome, I think. :whistling:

This..... was so funny....:D

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