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[Event] TransBaviaans 2011

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Does anybody know if you have entered a four man team and a week before the race one or two of your team members can't ride anymore,can the two remaining team members that are left still compete? :unsure:

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Does anybody know if you have entered a four man team and a week before the race one or two of your team members can't ride anymore,can the two remaining team members that are left still compete? :unsure:

Years ago (I try to block out that muddy mess), we entered a 4 man team and eventually rode as a 3 man team. When we registered, they adapted their records and we got a team finish. Don't expect a refund or the goodybag for the 4th rider.

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Ons het Saterdag 'n tawwe 140kms gedoen - oefening vir die Baviaans - en ooooeeee alla, nou is ek eers op my senuwees!! Ek soek aanmoediging mense!!

Eintlik wat ek wou vra is of iemand dalk weet waar daar orals selfoon opvangs is, en of 'n mens iewers met jou "backup" in verbinding kan tree?

Dankie almal! En lekker oefen!! :thumbup:

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lollos, ek dink daar is so klein bietjie sein bo by Bergplaas, die toppunt van die MAC. Moenie te veel worry nie. As mens dit rustig vat sal mens klaar maak. My eerste TB het ek gery op net 4 maande nadat ek op 'n fiets geklim het. Dit was nie so erg nie, net lank.

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lollos, ek dink daar is so klein bietjie sein bo by Bergplaas, die toppunt van die MAC. Moenie te veel worry nie. As mens dit rustig vat sal mens klaar maak. My eerste TB het ek gery op net 4 maande nadat ek op 'n fiets geklim het. Dit was nie so erg nie, net lank.


Dankie Musashi!! Ons wil darem net vir ons "bacup" laat weet ons leef nog en ons is darem nog op pad (hopelik) :lol: Dankie vir die aansporing - ek hoop regtig ek maak dit! Twee van ons spanlede het die TB al 2 keer gedoen, en hulle het dieselfde gese. Ons gaan dit maar net rustig vat. :blink: Sien nogals uit na die hele affere!


Nog 'n vraagie aan die ander vroue deelnemers - Watter broeke is vir julle die gemaklikste vir so 'n lang tyd in die saal? Ek sukkel nog so bietjie met daardie saak as julle weet wat ek bedoel... :blush:

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Lollos, there was absolutely no cell phone reception until we got to the top of M.A.C., I know because last year I was trying to send my hubby a 'we're still alive' sms.

But once you've reached Bergplaas, you may as well carry on anyway because the worst is over ;)


only 26 days and counting......... :blink:

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Dis 'n plesier lollos. En dit is regtig 'n mooi landskap - moenie net deurjaag en nooit opkyk nie!


Net fyi, 'n bib werk beter as 'n fietsrybroek vir beide my en my vrou. Ons is heel gelukkig met CapeStorm.

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lollos, ek dink daar is so klein bietjie sein bo by Bergplaas, die toppunt van die MAC. Moenie te veel worry nie. As mens dit rustig vat sal mens klaar maak. My eerste TB het ek gery op net 4 maande nadat ek op 'n fiets geklim het. Dit was nie so erg nie, net lank.

Op 'n perfekte dag ja,wag tot dit begin reen, winderig en koud is,dan kan jy so 2 - 3 ure by jou tyd sit....


O askuus motivering... dit gaan 'n mooi dag wees :P

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Ons het Saterdag 'n tawwe 140kms gedoen - oefening vir die Baviaans - en ooooeeee alla, nou is ek eers op my senuwees!! Ek soek aanmoediging mense!!

Eintlik wat ek wou vra is of iemand dalk weet waar daar orals selfoon opvangs is, en of 'n mens iewers met jou "backup" in verbinding kan tree?

Dankie almal! En lekker oefen!! :thumbup:

O hel, dis 40 meer as wat julle Knysna spanlid gedoen het, Baviaans, hier kom Squirt 4x4.

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I didn't see the "broek" question :rolleyes:


I reckon that there isn't a broek in the world that can prepare you for that kind of distance/time in the saddle.... it's going to burn the next day when you eventually hit the showers :)


Having said that, I was very comfy in my Giordana's with PLENTY of Milko Balm :blush:

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I didn't see the "broek" question :rolleyes:


I reckon that there isn't a broek in the world that can prepare you for that kind of distance/time in the saddle.... it's going to burn the next day when you eventually hit the showers :)


Having said that, I was very comfy in my Giordana's with PLENTY of Milko Balm :blush:


Thanks Nancy - jip, that's what I thought the answer is gonna be - no "broek" is gonna help me! :blink: I'll have a look at the Giordana's - thanks!! :thumbup:

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O hel, dis 40 meer as wat julle Knysna spanlid gedoen het, Baviaans, hier kom Squirt 4x4.


Nee wat Sampie, jy hoef nie te worry nie - ek het anyway die laaste 40km heeltyd net slip gesit!! Ek was opper as op!! (da is 'n woord daarvoor) :P

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I didn't see the "broek" question :rolleyes:


I reckon that there isn't a broek in the world that can prepare you for that kind of distance/time in the saddle.... it's going to burn the next day when you eventually hit the showers :)


Having said that, I was very comfy in my Giordana's with PLENTY of Milko Balm :blush:


I'd even recommend popping the tub of Milko Balm in the Berg Plaas crate and reapplying on top of the mountain. It's also a good place to change your kit as the rest of the route is dry (depending on the overhead conditions). The only downside is the lack of privacy, but by the time you get to Bergplaas, modesty is the last thing on anyone's mind.

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This will be my last question regarding the Baviaans :blush:


If you are riding in a two man team and your partner falls out, can you still continue on your own?Cause I've heard from someone that you can go on but another team must be willing to take you in.


On the Baviaans site it says: "During the race, if one of my team members fall out, can the rest of the team still finish?

Yes, each individual can still finish and receive a medal and certificate. The team will however not be eligible for any team prizes."

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This will be my last question regarding the Baviaans :blush:


If you are riding in a two man team and your partner falls out, can you still continue on your own?Cause I've heard from someone that you can go on but another team must be willing to take you in.


On the Baviaans site it says: "During the race, if one of my team members fall out, can the rest of the team still finish?

Yes, each individual can still finish and receive a medal and certificate. The team will however not be eligible for any team prizes."


i think you answered your own question there mate..

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