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Everything posted by ChrisEVP

  1. I thought I'd share the STRAVA routes of the Riverfields track with you all... - GREEN: https://www.strava.com/routes/9623196 - BLUE: https://www.strava.com/routes/9623346 - RED (Phase 1): https://www.strava.com/routes/9623362 Enjoy!
  2. The Cotic Escapade frame et al is ready... Just waiting for the wheels, then it'll be ready to tear up some single-track this weekend
  3. After noticing several MTB riders dashing it out near my home in Kempton Park, I decided to investigate the field they apparently made their playground. Much to my surprise, the local field was hiding a tidy little single track route of approx 15km (or the part I could find at least). With it being a 'free-to-ride' track, I didn't get my hopes up too much. However, after riding the route with my BIL, him on a jumper and me on a 29er, I was somewhat impressed. Yes, this track does not compete with the likes of BigRedBarn or the like, but it is a nice ride for the Kempton locals looking for a short(ish) single track . The route is properly marked and includes a GREEN, BLUE and RED section. The RED (which we elected to ride) was not intimidating at all - with some limited obstacles closed to the end of the route. The route(s) could however benefit by the addition of some proper doglegs in the corners, more jumps and some optional obstacles (with chicken-runs for the softies ). After some investigation, I was able to determine that the local cycle shop (Finishline Cycles) was involved in the layout of the track, and that the local farmer/developer granted access to the property with this in mind - kudos to them both . One could only assume (and hope) that it is a constant effort by them to update the route(s) as and when they have the manpower and funds to do so. This being said (and if a may be so bold as to assume ), I am certain they would be grateful if riders take it on themselves to maintain and upgrade the track ... The track starts and ends through a small black gate about halfway down Blaauwklippen Rd, between Monument and Mulder Rds, next to the Glen Eagles Estate in Glen Marais, Kempton Park. I attached a STRAVA route image of the RED route, for interest... Enjoy the ride if you ever find yourself near there and fancy a MTB dash ... I am definitely making the track a regular part of my riding, and will most likely try it out with my Cyclocross this weekend .
  4. Busy with my Cotic Escapade CX. Will hopefully have the wheels done by tomorrow
  5. I recently decided trade in my BMXs and Road Bike, and get into the CycloCross swing of things... After looking long and hard, I decided on getting a COTIC CX. Matt hooked me up with an excellent Escapade - just loooove the look of this bike - which I am hopefully taking delivery of this week
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