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Everything posted by ChrisEVP

  1. Hihi... nope, cycling.... I’ll maybe add a moto video to the channel some day though
  2. HeheThe guy on the yellow bike is my teammate, so half the time he was sucking my wheel...
  3. My first Amashova was a hell of a lot of fun! ! ! I will definitely be returning to this race in future! I unfortunately missed the expo (and my goody-bag), but will make sure to check it out next time !
  4. Hi L911 Below are the basics of being involved as a cyclist in the National #teamNSPCA. I briefly listed some information, but the full details can be made available on request from the NSPCA (comms3@nspca.co.za). Firstly, fundraising takes place in several ways, by the riders, including: Riders approaching possible donors and sponsors. Donations or 'sponsorships' received will be paid directly to the NSPCA by such donors or sponsors;Through several electronic fundraising platforms. This includes SMS campaigns (such as sms'ing 'CYCLE' to 38018 which donates R25 directly to the NSPCA), and Back-a-Buddy campaigns (similar to this one: https://www.backabuddy.co.za/national-spca-cycling-team). These campaigns will be promoted by the NSPCA and riders;By hosting fundraisers and competitions (with sponsored goodies as prizes), with proceeds of such going directly to the NSPCA - this will usually be done online;Also through any other creative initiatives taken by the riders (obviously with consent and support by the NSPCA).Basically, funds will be raised through efforts taken by riders. So, it is a commitment to the cause... Then, riders for the National SPCA Team (remember, this is separate from those riders participating in aid of the NSPCA in individual events like 947), will be required to commit to the following: Ride in at least 4 big cycling events in aid of the NSPCA and in #teamNSPCA cycling attire. These events are ones like 947, CTCT, Amashova, Mangaung, Joberg2c, Sani2c, Wine2Whales, 100Cycles, etc...Promote the NSPCA and their campaigns through social media;Raise at least R10k per year for the NSPCA. Fundraising will be done as described above;Be willing to have their vehicle (read window) branded with the NSPCA Cycling Team branding (similar to the image in my signature), which promotes the SMS fundraising platform;Be willing to appear as an ambassador of the NSPCA (events, radio, TV, magazines, etc.);At all times uphold the image, reputation and vision of the NSPCA.Cyclists who are keen on getting involved should remember that the NSPCA is a charity after all, and as such riders will be responsible for entries into events, cycling gear and attire, promotion of fundraising initiatives, etc. The NSPCA provides support in administration. Like I mentioned, this is just a summary of the information on the National SPCA team. The initiative is still in it infancy stage, and will be shaped and grown by riders willing to get actively involved. PS: If you are riding the 947 this year, drop by the NSPCA stand at the 947 Expo. They will be happy to chat with any person willing to become involved in any way!!!
  5. PS: If you are on Strava, you can look at the rides from members (and join the Strava Club) here: https://www.strava.com/clubs/153400
  6. Hi Guys The NSPCA has formed a new (non-pro) National Cycling Team... They are looking for dedicated cyclists, sponsors, endorsees, donors and any other person/company who would like to get involved with #teamNSPCA. Cyclists riding for the National SPCA Cycling Team would ride in aid of the NSPCA in any cycling events they take part in throughout the year, and do so in an attempt to raise funds for this great charity. This National Team will consist of more permanent and committed riders than the (equally awesome) 'NSPCA Charity Team' taking part in events like the 947... ALL funds raised, sponsorship received, donations donated, endorsements given and other support offered (being financial support, goods, services or other) will go directly to the NSPCA, as cyclists will ride for the team on a volunteer basis. Should you be interested in joining the team, or if you are a company looking at sponsoring the NSPCA, please contact the NSPCA directly on comms3@nspca.co.za - they will be able to give you more info. They do have some rules and criteria for members of the National Team, all available from the NSPCA... . You are also welcome to leave a comment here, or *DM me, and I will put you in contact with the right people (I joined the team recently and help them out with the admin etc...) So, if you have a love for animals and enjoy cycling, please consider joining this team dedicated in supporting the NSPCA. ALL funds raised, sponsorship, donations, endorsements and other support (being financial support, goods or services offered) will go directly to the NSPCA, and cyclists ride for the team on a volunteer basis.
  7. Ai, sorry to hear... See you next year then!!!
  8. I also think I'll enjoy it . I have done several 947's and CTCT's, but am steadily getting bored with them... Going to try our some of the other big(ger) races next year as well. Enjoy your race!
  9. I am definitely riding this year (...after a long deliberation with the boss ). I have not done this race before, and look forward to trying it out after the CTCT disappointment ... Although the NSPCA is not entered as a charity in the Amashova, I will be riding to raise funds for them (as I do in all races I take part in )... See you all on the route... Let's hope the weather holds
  10. Hi Guys I recently started a YouTube channel (ChrisCrossZA) dedicated to the love of 2 wheels. The idea is to put cycling videos on of rides, gear and track reviews, cycle vs. cycle, and anything else related to riding . There is already some GoPro footage uploaded (including a little crash) for your viewing pleasure... Please feel free to give any ideas or requests for videos here... It is in no way a professional channel, and is just for the fun and love of the sport!!! PS: the channel link is: https://m.youtube.com/channel/UCggzFnHCNR5GKbbgXfpfBRA Oh, the pic below is just a dedication to #teamNSPCA and their dedication to raising funds for animals in need.
  11. Thanks for letting us know Grey Glad the boys are OK, and that the men were caught. There was also an incident 2 weekends ago where a vehicle parked by the entrance was broken into. Please consider riding to the track with your bike, or parking at one of the busier public areas near the track (Glen Eagles gate, driving range, restaurants, Engen, etc...). Also, if you can, please avoid riding alone or in the dark ... I noticed that there was a security vehicle (Riverfields branded) on the track over the past weekend. It looks like the developer/farmer (who owns the premises) took some initiative to ensure community safety... Regardless, please ALWAYS take care when riding!!!
  12. POV of Cotic Escapade on track https://youtu.be/aUp1_ioMwXc
  13. Had some fun at the rack over the weekend Check out the video here: https://youtu.be/aUp1_ioMwXc
  14. Nice one Uni, glad you enjoyed it! Spread the word and see you on the route
  15. Hi Harryn Just to confirm, it is the MTB track close to the Plumbago Business Park . You can find it on Google Maps as well... and yes, the track is open 24/7... there on my own during the week, and never feel unsafe. In the last few weeks I have never been the only rider on the rout either... I would however not risk a solo ride if the sun is not properly out yet, or setting for that matter (after all: TIA )... You can always join some of the usuals at the route and do an impromptu group-ride I live close to the route, so never needed to park my car there... That said, there are usually several vehicles (belonging to fellow riders I assume) parked at the gate. Should you however not feel like risking the effort of an insurance claim, you could always park your car at one of the public areas nearby and ride to the route with your bike - for instance: Living Waters Driving Range (c/o Monument Rd & Braambos St) - 1KM,Engen Garage (c/o Monument Rd & Anemoon Rd) - 1.5KM,Romans Pizza complex (c/o Monument Rd and Quinine Rd) - 1.7KM, orFinishline Cycles @ Glen Acres Complex (c/o Monument Rd & Dann Rd) -2.4KM. Enjoy the ride and let us know what you think of the route!
  16. STRAVA CycloCross RSA Club: https://www.strava.com/clubs/CycloCrossSA
  17. Hehehe. No????... Finishline (who laid out the track) has an agreement with the owner of the land - so you won't be shot ????????. You will see there is a walk-through gate next to the big gate.????
  18. Ended up riding the route twice over the weekend with my CycloCross... LOVED IT!!!!
  19. She is done ... and the 1st ride could not have been any more fun!!! I decided to take the Cotic out on a local MTB single-track (https://community.bikehub.co.za/topic/169101-riverfields-mtb-single-track/), and ended up grinding a RED route with some MTB fanatics... Once I got the hang of the feel of the bike, and the (strange) concept of taking a roud-like bike on a MTB track, the Cotic kept up with the off-roaders - even though the technical bits. CycloCross is definately the style of riding I was looking for!!!
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