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  1. Well i had that experience my partner finished outside the time during the 2022 hell. He got the blue board and i had the IF. The thing about that, is that all the epic team rules still apply, starring together, staying together and all that. The person with the blue board must abandon the race so you can truly be a solo rider. We rode together at his pace all 5 days. So i got my finisher medal and he got nothing.
  2. Well is not the sponsors or the organizers fault or duty to know who is prepared to ride (not race) the Epic. Most had at least a year to prepare if you don't cut it so be it. Plenty of participation events all over the world to ride in. If they save money or not is irrelevant, all that stuff is already bought, if you want to stay in a AirBnb or caravan or whatever is your choice. Imagine the outcry if they were to run out of food for lunch or dinner. I know of people that have failed at three attempts at the race, whos fault is that. i'll be back next year.
  3. That's great to know, I did express my opinion, about the food in particular we were spoiled in 2019. Hopefully next year will be the same.
  4. Very different epic from what we had last year. Looks tough and the heat was there today. I'm interested in the tents which look much different, also how is the food this year can't be any worst than last year. Watching some videos right now, from the other side of the world.
  5. Pro teams, the real pro teams don't go there for money. That cash pays for the lunch they eat. They go there for exposure, which in MTBis second to none. What to be pro guys use it for exposure to get into a real pro team. Look what speed company got after winning the epic. On the Nino and ont Andy, well we all know the only reason he is there is because of dad. I doubt any real pro (olympics) will skip the epic, because of the olympics I think 5 months is plenty of time to recover. Partnerships at the epic are tricky, the only guy thats been with the same partner at most epics is Bart. Anyway enough rambling, going back in 2025.
  6. Last years. lunches were awful nothing like the quality of the woolworth, from before. I didn't eat one last year.
  7. Done two races and one as a volunteer. As a volunteer nothing happened. The first time as a racer we were both fine. Last year my teammate was I'll on day one, he is more or less a local. I felt a bit off, but not terribly sick. Part of this is because your body is really low on defense (immune system) the demands and stresses of the race are huge. So any bug will easily enter your body. As a habit I eat yogurt (plain) after dinner does it work maybe. So try to be aware of what you do, a extra wipe or wash is a good practice. If you get Ill, take it easy and finish the stage. Good luck
  8. Te entiendo, la pareja siempre aparece y la inscripción la puedes vendar hasta el día del Epic. Métete a la página mtbr, y publica algo en la sección de tu país. Busca gente local, lo más difícil es encontrar pareja. Por cierto, como mixtos es una buena opción. Saludos
  9. Lo de la organizacion es a ultimo momento, es decir ya que estas ahi y por alguna razon tu compañero no aparece o puede. La mejor manera, es encontrar tu compañero meses antes y de preferencia que entrenen juntos. El epic acaba con amistades y no dudo que hasta matrimonios.
  10. Oh yes, I love everything about the Epic, the course, volunteers and the ambience in general. The stuff that was changed was done to make them more money. The volunteers didn't even get a jacket, got a 2 dollar name tag. The racers didn't even get the t-shirt with our names on it. The food for breakfast and dinner was barely ok, and several times we had something from the vendors or from town. The rain, cold and wind are just nature and thats fine, makes it even more epic. The mechanicals, and even getting sick is part of racing, we all deal with that in our own way. But the other stuff is just about keeping more money. Thats my half rand!!1 See you guys next time.
  11. The lunches were horrible and several times spoiled,
  12. Hi Roger, thanks but we were able to make it work. The epic office has a list of people ready to race all the time. Obviously locals, good luck.
  13. What I done before is hire a taxi, get his card(phone) and call him is a good way to have something handy. I also used uber last year, but I was staying right a Lourensford much easier.
  14. Well I ran before, during and after the Epic, the kendas are trouble free which means no flats. I ride:train in Southern CAlifornia and Mexico, which is desert rocks 100% of the time. So we destroy tires, I run low pressure almost too low for my weight. Of course someone will say but I got a flat once, but if you see what pros got flats and the tire brand a pattern is clear. I seen the same pattern locally , but to each its own.
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