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American Flyers

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Posts posted by American Flyers

  1. Why did you use carbon wheels in strong winds (Argus)

    Maybe you must stop moaning, just concentrate a bit more.


    I remember you last year at Burger ride, You started to attack over white line and the car came past us. It just miss you and I thought you were a bit mad. You need to be calm. 


    Don't give up and you will only learn when things goes wrong.
  2. There was one problem with Boland Tour is that every team can only have one secondary car. So the secondary car follows the leader of the team, but when few guys dropped and those guys like me suffered with no water. It was so hot. I feel we need few guys on motorbike follow each bunch with few bottles of water like TDF. I gave up in the last stage because I can't ride in last 5okm without water.

  3. Oh sorry! There was a guy who looked like you, used to lecture me.


    It will be sad if there is no Giro, but why can't they combine Boland tour and Giro, so that we can have seperate bunch (Pros with Juniors) and (Veterans and league riders)
  4. I used to ride alot up to Neck from Hout Bay. I know it is very narrow and when the truck or bus come behind you, try cycle in the middle of the road to stop them from overtaking you. It worked for me, but I have to cycle fast.  I wonder if it is Mega bus or Atlas bus. Check with them. 

  5. I can't believe that Groot Lem used to be my lecture teaching me how to do surveying at Cape Technikon. He used to cycle to Cape Technikon everyday. I admire him for doing hard work at Boland Tour with such little budgets. I really enjoyed the tour, but it was hard. Thank you Groot Lem

  6. You can't point fingers to drivers or cyclists:

    - Council should provide cycling paths by adding extra lanes.

    - Traffic cops should stop cyclists for disobey rules.

    - Drivers should give us spaces.

    - Cyclists should ride in single lane if the road narrows.




  7. see attached and underlying, more info about the Tour de Boland:



    STAGE 1:

        Wednesday 25 February 2009: Individual Hill Climb TT Taalmonument

                                                                Time: +- 15h00

                                                                +- 5 km

                                                                Finish at top of climb, Taalmonument

        STAGE 2:

        Thursday 26 February 2009:  ROAD RACE -  +- 140 km

                                                             START: FLORIDA FARM STALL WELLINGTON

                                                             STARTING TIME : 09H00

                                                             R44 Road towards HERMON

                                                             Over Botmanskloof Pass

                                                             Malmesbury Road LEFT Towards Wellington

                                                             Riders complete LADY LOCH CIRCUIT ,  +- 4  LAPS.

                                                             Finish at FLORIDA FARM STALL

       STAGE 3:

      FRIDAY 27 February 2009:    SMALL PAARDEBERG CIRCUIT  -   8 LAPS

                                                         +- 130 km

                                                        Start /  Finish at Perdeberg Winery.

                                                         STARTING TIME: 09H00


       STAGE 4:

     Saturday 28 February 2009: Du Toitskloof Stage Finish : +- 125 km

                                                       Start: BOLAND CRICKET STADIUM - LANGENHOVEN                                        

                                                       Riders travel towards Franschoek on R303 road. Pass Drakenstein Prison.

                                                       At T-Junction, rider turn right on R45 road towards Simondium.

                                                       Pass Simondium Lodge.

                                                       Riders turn LEFT over railway line towards KLAPMUTS.

                                                       At T-junction, riders turn RIGHT on R44 road, STRAIGHT over 4 STOP at


                                                       Riders continue on R44 road.

                                                       Left at WINDMUEL WINERY, towards Paardeberg. Pass Boland Landbou

                                                       Agricultural School.

                                                       Pass Perdeberg Winery.

                                                       RIGHT, Paardeberg Road.

                                                       Riders travel pass African Terroir, travel  towards R45 Road.

                                                       At T-junction, riders turn right on R45 road towards Wellington.

                                                       At 4 STOP (R45 / R44), riders turn LEFT on R44 Road.

                                                       Riders travel on R44 road, pass Wellington Golf Golf Club.

                                                       R44 road becomes Champagne Road.

                                                       At Traffic Lights riders turn RIGHT on R303 road towards Paarl.

                                                       Riders travel pass Newton, Mbekweni.

                                                       At Traffic Lights riders turn LEFT in BO DAL road.

                                                       RIGHT into Van Der Stel Street.

                                                         LEFT Meaker Street, pass Nederburg Winery.


                                                         FINISH Top of Du Toits Kloof Pass.




                                                              Also include other school categories Under 10 / 12 / 14 / 16 / Ladies

                                                              TOWN HALL, MAIN STREET PAARL.


     We are still finalizing everything

  8. I hated the dopers becasuse they takes away the sponsors and they spoil the image of cycling sport.

    I missed the old days where the cyclists struggled each stages.

    Ban the dopers for life! No more second chances, they should know if they take it, they should not come back. They asked for it....... Enough! enough! 
  9. I have not replace mine yet. My problem is that if I take it back, I have to wait for 5 days before I get it back. I cannot train for 5 days, no ways!! What must I do now???? Can't they do in oneday!!!!

  10. I feel the grey market is not very good because Mavic company spent lots of time and money to make the best wheels and now someone copied and sell good prices. How will you feel if you put lot of time on it and someone copied from you. You will feel piss off.

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