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American Flyers

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Posts posted by American Flyers

  1. I love Mavic wheels, but they don't have back-up plan! I had to run from shops to shops for SL spokes. The agent kept saying the parts are on way to SA, but they can't say when they will arrive. Bull sh*t!  I gave it up for Easton wheels which have good agent Ominco. I admire them!    

  2. Be careful! There is a camera by the fence, if you damage the fence.


    I won't ride teh argus if they don't open Chappies in time. 


    Why can't they send more workers to clean up? Lazy bastards!!!
  3. I used to get cramps and cramp block tablets only helped a bit!


    I take magnesium every night and it makes a bit difference in long run.

    I also do some intervals to get used to speed in the races.

    I also do some long ride, so that muscles can get used to it.


    Now I hardly get cramps for the past 2 years. 
  4. It is scary that they break into lots of cars at the races, even thought PPA warned us.  I wonder why do people carry lots of money or credit card to the races.  I just bring R100 and drivers card with me and leave the wallet at home. I carry them and my cellphone while I race.  

  5. I would love to learn how to fix myself, but I need special tools and some training. Time vs money.

    The problem is that shops and I work similar hours. I have to rush to drop off the bicycle when the shops open and rush back before it closes. I hate rushing off!!!



  6. I agree with you, but sometimes they don't like it because they normally don't charge for few adjustments and they can't make money out it.

    They must be honest and straight. They must charge small fee and make us happy, so that we will always come back. This will grow their business.
  7. I don't understand why most of the bicycle shops prefer you to drop off the bicycles even for small repairs or need adjustments?  

    If I ask them if they can do it quickly for 5/10mins, while I wait. They always say they are too busy or bla...bla....


    I am happy to pay R20 or whatever while I wait. It is better than come back and fetch bicycle (Time & petrol wasted)


    Which shop will be happy to do it while you wait???


  8. Last Saturday I took part 66km SA challenge at Stellenbosch and I went over the stormwater channel, my front large chainring hit it and lost one tooth. But I managed to finish the race.


    The chainring was quite new and some people say I must replace new chainring and others say it wont make any difference.


    What do you think? Must I replace or not?

  9. Joburg organiser likes to splash too much money compare to Cape Town organiser.

    - Why must the Argus Tour pay so much % to CSA?

      94.7 does not pay to CSA (I thinks so)


    - Argus people organise the train trip from Joburg to the Argus, but 94.7 

      could not organise one????


    I have always want to do 94.7, but I find the entry fee, flight, accomodation a bit rip off. That is why I have not done it yet, but maybe oneday, if I will lotto. Ha! ha!
  10. Hope the guy will recover well. I rode up to Suikerbossie and there were +-20 bikers coming fast downhill. I saw the traffic cop hiding in the bush in the middle of Suikerbossie. I hope he fine all the bikers heavy. The problem the bikers don't have number plate on front, only at the back.  I am not sure if he takes photos from the back or front.

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