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Marc Perel

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Posts posted by Marc Perel

  1. It’s amazing how quickly a year passes. It feels like just yesterday that the “Rest of the World” crushed Australia with a convincing FebFifteen victory.


    Happily, the February Fifteen challenge is back, which means we get to do it all over again!


    The aim is simple, join the challenge on Strava and ride as many miles as you can next week (24th Februrary 2014) with the aim of beating the total mileage covered by the Australians.


    Knowing most of the riders who follow Privateer, some of you will get it done in less than a few days, with the rest of the week being bonus miles.


    Join the Privateer Strava club and help us win the battle: http://bit.ly/privateer15



  2. Climbing, switchbacks & coastal roads. It’s no secret these are some of our favourite things here at Privateer, but today we went out to search for some different elements. District roads, and Vitamin G.












  3. The last few days of CCC Dolomiti 2013 where temperatures dropped, scenery grew and we all found a little piece of ourselves out there, riding giants.




    A really great piece by Raoul to sum up an amazing trip through the Dolomites.







  4. Somewhere deep in the Dolomites, 30 men are making their way across Italy by bicycle, riding 200km and climbing 5000m vertically per day.


    This is a report from the belly of the madness by Privateer's Raoul de Jongh




    Make sure you check out his photos here. The experience looks amazing.







  5. We’ve just recovered from the successful test run of the TNT concept, ready to suffer once more as a group at the Handle Bar in Sea Point.

    For those of you who have not heard, TNT is about pushing yourself beyond once a month and taking it to the next level physically in a reasonably safe environment.


    The format is simple. Arrive by 5:45 and get set up, warmed up inside The Handle Bar. At 6pm sharp you watch the TV and listen to the speakers, where a Sufferfest video will entertain and twist your senses for 45-60min in a group format.

    • This is not spinning.
    • There is no instructor.
    • Just you and your mind.
    • You are allowed to grunt, groan and shout.
    • Bring a towel to soak up the sweat and potentially a little blood from the eyes.

    Clean up your mess and share a beer or two afterwards before the shop closes at 7:30 sharp. The Handle Bar are going to be open to buying their usual goods after and before the class.

    There are two spots left for this week's gathering, so enter here if you'd like to secure your place



  6. http://privateer.co....3-print-series/


    Privateer were at the 2013 ABSA Cape Epic and came away with some incredible shots for the cycling enthusiast. We wanted to offer these as photographic prints shipped to your door where you have the option to frame them as you please. These images will be available in a quantity limited to 3 per image.


    Order Here


    Just choose your size and image on the site to place your order.


    Print sizes & prices are as follows:

    • A4 : R350
    • A3 : R550
    • A2 : R750
    • A1 : R850

    There are 12 in total, but here are the images I like the most:







    Image 8





  7. I've ridden that concrete road on Table mountain a few times, we rode along the dam wall and got caught up in the moment just looking around. Thanks for the pictures that capture it so well.


    I rode my bike up those switchbacks once. Was pissing with rain, gale force winds, fog. So no one was around and I was all alone. Was a magical moment.

  8. Now I'm linking up all my tracks to create 100km+ tracks.

    On Saturday I rode for the whole day and only covered 65km, and had the time of my life.


    Sounds so cool. I went exploring on Saturday with two mates. Only one section of the route was planned, we ended up running for two hours to the top of Table mt. & back down.


    The idea behind Privateer is based on these exact principles, it's about time we grew out of the singlemindedness of competition and rediscover the joys of going out without a strict plan, to just head out and have fun.


    Side note: That said, there's also fun to be had in burrying yourself in a session of intervals.

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