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Johan Brits

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  1. I was with Vaste 6 when it happened - the arrogance of these brothers..........I was attacked on the same road about a year ago ( 14h00 on a Saturday afternoon alone ) - next to the speeding camera - when the 1 brother tried to hit me of my bike - he failed luckily and I got away. But on Saturday we were 3 guys - many cars on the road - and they still tried their luck.
  2. Eeeesh - jyt issues Boet - who cares waarmee hulle ry. Wen hulle net!!
  3. Eet jou Weet-Bix en jou ma se kos
  4. Beteken dit daars geen Track vir die week nie?
  5. Ask Johan Bornman - he`ll know,
  6. Big H - screw them and enjoy your bike - thats what its all about!!
  7. Neeeeee man - wat sukkel julle Pro`s dan so?
  8. Well said Bruce and Tarmac - but some people just dont care - good products for cheaper is better - no matter who or what suffers, ( not pointing fingers ) I love bargains,
  9. Sh*t man, baie jammer om te hoor - bitter baie sterkte!!
  10. Well done Ronelle - Great photos!! Die wind het my ook goed slae gegee gisteraand!!
  11. Well done Ronelle!! Great Pics as always!!
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