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Everything posted by TurnItAround

  1. Hey guys - we added Bike Jacking to the crime types... Report them - the more we share the more we do can about it. http://www.turnitaround.co.za Gerald
  2. Hello guys. We have added the crime of Bike jacking to the crime reporting system on Turn It Around. Report all the Bike Jackings on the website and let others know about the hot spots and areas to watch out for. Visit the website at http://www.turnitaround.co.za/ Ride safe!
  3. Hello guys. We have added the crime of Bike jacking to the crime reporting system on Turn It Around. Report all the Bike Jackings on the website and let others know about the hot spots and areas to watch out for. Visit the website at http://www.turnitaround.co.za/ Ride safe!
  4. Hello guys. We have added the crime of Bike jacking to the crime reporting system on Turn It Around. Report all the Bike Jackings on the website and let others know about the hot spots and areas to watch out for. Visit the website at http://www.turnitaround.co.za/ Ride safe!
  5. Hello guys. We have added the crime of Bike jacking to the crime reporting system on Turn It Around. Report all the Bike Jackings on the website and let others know about the hot spots and areas to watch out for. Visit the website at http://www.turnitaround.co.za/ Ride safe!
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