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  1. Maybe you should just say that a few times more, as it seems some people have not heard it said several times before...
  2. Yet he did not get enough points to qualify, did he, despite having several opportunities and races to get it? He has an appeal in process. There is much more to this going on behind the scenes than what you see on social media and some publications - don't take everything at face value.
  3. Just got going after the taxi hit me in March, then got a bad case of flu and been off the bike for three weeks. So ja, not the best, but I'll get going again next week.
  4. Thank you for everyone's contribution. I have taken this week off and I'll have a braai and a few beers over the weekend and plan on starting next week with a few short MTB rides. I don't have anything planned in the next few months, so there is no immediate pressure. I'll just get going slowly. Thank you to the community!
  5. I was hit by a car on the 21st of March (attempted murder case) and suffered some deep cuts and bruises and was out of hospital on the same day with a very sore body. Obviously I did not train much, but had the Maluti D90 on the 6th of April. I did the race in 6H09 which is not too bad for the conditions I think. Since then, I'm not very much in the mood for riding. Has anyone else experienced this and what advice would you give me - keep riding or give it some more time off the bike. I'm not really emotionally scarred by the incident (I think), my body might just not be ready yet?
  6. Are those people on the side still going up that hill while the pros are going down?
  7. sias

    Desert Dash 2023

    Mostly yes. It does die down somewhat during the night from about 20H00, but picks up again as you get closer to the coast. We once had a tail wind most of the way in 2015 and rain in 2019 on the first 2 stages, but other than that, it was hot, dusty and headwind most of the way.
  8. I should have used the sarcasm font. 90% of us do this 100% voluntarily on our own free time and expenses. The executive and some office staff in Capetown do get paid as in any National organization. My province has suggested I get paid a stipend per month which I refused as we cannot afford it. So yeah, no-one is getting rich by working for CSA.
  9. Wait, what? We get paid? I'll have to go and talk to Ciska and Qondisa about this! I have not seen a single sent of payment!!! I thought everything was voluntary and our own time and expense? After working a full-time job and training and kids etc. etc. etc, just like everyone else? Ozzie - you seem to be clued up with these matters: please give me a breakdown of the salaries paid to every CSA member so I can have a leg to stand on when I confront the team. I've been there for 5 years and I haven't seen a single cent. Zip, nada, zilch, efokoli, niks, aziko...
  10. 99% of those roads are district gravel roads in reasonably good condition (last time we rode there), a gravel should be fine.
  11. This race is known as a bike breaker - my wife did it way back in 2010 I think and she said never again. As previously said - to compare this to the S2C is a bit of a brainfart...
  12. sias

    The Classics

    Yoh, what an attack from VdP on that hill! And three of the strongest riders couldn't catch him...
  13. Hey, leave us Potchefstromers out of this! We were just too happy to be by the sea and riding the "August" again! I'll have a chat with Tim and tell him to stop cross-chipping and leave his Zipp 808's at home next time!
  14. Apparently initiation sites are also no-go areas? Stellenbosch, but still https://www.iol.co.za/capetimes/news/cops-probe-cyclist-for-pointing-firearm-at-initiates-dad-in-stellies-4b87ad14-2af6-4f1e-b9bf-52f0e50294db
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