1. Get Alarmed - I set 1 alarm close by and another in another room, so you have to get up and switch it off. 2. Get Organised - Lay out your clothes the night before. Have everything ready and prep'd. 3. Get Kitted - In winter ensure you have all the right kit... I'm in Durban and where a balaclava until I'm warmed up! Compression longs shirt and pant form Mr Price work like a charm and are cheap! 4. Get Gadgets - Lights are super important for your safety.. Get a GPS and race against old times, download new routes - gets your mind off the cold! Anything new will get you motivated! 5. Get Buddies - You need accountability. Your mates wont be impressed if you don't rock up! 6. Get Routined - Once you have done if for a few weeks you will automatically wake up - Trust me! 7. And finally and most importantly - If its windy and wet get back into bed.. not worth getting sick! NOW GET RIDING!