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Posts posted by Niner

  1. Seriously:


    Depending on your weight, adjust the recommended pressure.


    85 kg plus a lil less

    65kg minus a lil more


    *loose formula*


    Why less if you are heavier? I would have thought the heavier to the more the pressure? Like a MTB?

  2. Maybe the cleaver people on the hub can help. I want to get a power meter, but have now seen that it is availeble for MTB's and Road bikes.


    Which one will be better for training....will there be more benefit use it on my MTB or Road bike?


    I know that the 2 riding styles are totally different but want to know which one will help me most.


    I ride MTB and Road, but do not want to get both. So do I get one for the road so I can train on it and keep it clean and then it will help me when I do MTB racing.


    Or do I get a MTB one?

  3. I'm using my bike for commuting, so don't see the point of burning through quality stuff. Have just got a HG50 cassette (full fat steel) from CRC courtesy KDEE, got the cheap Giant chain (which is looking like a strategic mistake) and SLX or something granny and middle rings.


    Will buy XT blades / chain / cassette to use for special occasions.


    Next CRC order I will look at KMC.


    Changes are the cheapie chain will do more damage than good...

  4. I'm in the process of replacing drive train...


    I've ordered a SRAM PG971 from CRC a while ago...


    Now - what casette should I go for?


    I've decided to ride my current chain (HG90) and casette (XT) BOTH into their chops!! ....lasted damn long, i must say, so I'm not overly concerned about that!!


    so - do i get some SRAM cassette (R???) or another XT (R500)??



    SRAM 11-34

  5. I find Sram last longer, and is generally a better chain than Shimano...My Shimano chain shows rust quicker than the Sram in the same conditions....One of the reasons I got rid of Shimano.

  6. It does not matter what the cyclist did, no one had the right to do that to another human. So how about stopping blaming the cyclist?


    I dont say the cyclist was right, but he was pissed of so he rode in the middle of road....still not reason to run him over.


    I dont care if the bus driver action was a action or re-action it is not cool!!! If a taxi cuts me off while driving it DOES NOT give me the right to try and kill them



    So you saying when you come across a bunch of twats taking up an entire lane it doesn't bother you?

    It makes no difference whether the driver is in a rush or not, cyclists are NOT supposed to ride 3,4,5 abreast.

    And to have them waving the middle finger really pisses me off too (They're in the wrong and they still have the audacity to insult). Have you got kids? You need to teach them that there are no degrees of wrong; wrong is wrong, not maybe incorrect.


    People will. If not about cyclist the it will be about motorcycle riders. They will find something. You will never please the grumpy selfish motorist. If it was up the them there would be no motorces, trucks, mini busses, old people, cyclist, pedestrians etc on the roads.

  8. The problem is not the cyclist and it is not the driver,

    it is the egocentric - immature - emotionally challenged individual.


    So lets find some way to help these people.


    Agree, that is the point I wanted to make the other day. Drove in to work for the a few days in a row now and the general behaviour on the road is shocking to say the least.....


    Cellphone seems to be the biggest problem I would say...people do not respect each other anymore.

  9. In terms of reacting, when someone almost kills you, and its only through your avoidance that it does happen, that provokes a reaction.


    How to handle this constructively .... ? Well if you have a recording of it, how about laying a charge of attempted murder?


    And then the police will do what? Take your number and say "dont call us we will call you"?

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