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  1. Generally it depends on the type of riding you do. 2 extremes are: XC Racing = long stems, flat low and narrow bars, steep head angles. Downhill = short stems, wide riser bars, slack head angles. Most riding we do is anywhere between the 2 extremes. Get fitted, not just the stem as that is just 1 component. Use that as a base you can always return to, then experiment and find whatever works best for you.
  2. Road or MTB? Either way invest in a proper fitting by someone who knows what they are doing.
  3. Swimming at the shallow end of the gene pool over there.
  4. So where are all our fellow hubbers, the ones who say every time a thread is posted about poor behaviour from cyclists "you moan too much" or "not another one of these pointless posts" or "if it didn't change the way you slept last night then stfu". You are the ones contributing to the perception of cyclists as reflected in the car forum. No one is going to look after us, we must look after ourselves.
  5. go read it again - he used amphetemines 3 times in crits and was amazed at the effect it has on his performance. also go and read "Bad Blood" by Jeremy Whittle. but if you'r a Lance disciple then nothing you will read will make a difference So if I write anything other than hate for LA, i'm a disciple? And I've read both books. Kimmage even on amphetimines couldn't hack it, just became bitter and miserable.
  6. Bollards along the hard shoulder, with gaps at intervals for emergencies.
  7. I read Kimmage's book about 10 years ago, and was left with the impression that he was a bit of a whiner, not particularly talented and resorted to doping because everyone else was doing it. Even when he doped he couldn't hack it. Wonder if he'd be so vocal about doping if it had worked better for him? As for LA, well he beat everyone who mattered, and all of them got caught out cheating at one time or another. He didn't. So either he's the best, strongest rider ever, or he's the best cheat ever. Whichever one, he still did it better than everyone else. And I think LA just doesn't like Kimmage, plain and simple.
  8. I don't mind waiting for work to be done but: If it takes 10 days, don't tell me 3. Don't involve me in the mismanagement of your store. Don't give up and tell me to sort it out myself. The fork itself is awesome, and I'm loving it now. Honesty goes a long way in a business/client relationship.
  9. In Oct 2008 I bought a new Rocky Mountain ETSX50 frame and a new Marzocchi XC600 fork from Bike Hut in Noordhoek, which I built up over the next 2 months as and when I had cash/time. After 3 rides, and putting on about 80kms the fork began spewing oil and would not hold air. I called Bike Hut who told me very sorry, no problem, will be fixed under warranty, usually takes about 3 days. So I dropped the bike off with them. 5 weeks later, after numerous calls, e-mails and just generally being given the run around, I get told by Bike Hut that I must call the agents myself to sort this out. So I mail them to get some clarity. I receive a call from the agents. I get told that the issue is that Bike Hut owes them some money and can't have the fork back. That's why it's taking so long. I explain that the fork and the bike belong to me and have been bought and paid for. I then get asked to produce invoices to support this. Eventually I receive a mail saying that they have shipped the repaired fork plus a set of white Funn lock on grips as a peace offering to Bike Hut. I am assured that I will have my bike for the weekend. Bike Hut call me at 6 on friday to ask me if i'd like to fetch the bike or can they deliver to me. I ask them to deliver the next day, as i have plans. We arrange for delivery to my house at 1. I get a call at 2 the next day to say they are on their way. I was on the road at the time so ask them to sms me their address in Constantia as it's closer to me, and it will save them a trip. No sms arrived, no one calls. Saturday, Sunday and Monday go by. I mail the agents on monday, their response is "Sorry, nothing to do with us, we're not responsible for which shop you chose to use" Bike arrives unannounced at 6:30 on monday evening. No white grips, and with a stem bolt thread stripped. It's pity because Robin is a really nice guy and always pleasant to deal with. But I won't again.
  10. What's your opinion on carbon stems JB? (steps back & waits....)
  11. Amazing how it stayed attached to the steerer tube........
  12. It's a great place to pass on the outside though.....
  13. Depends how well you go uphill I reckon about 5 mins, yeah.
  14. Thats it. Note the sharp downhill left hander on to T junction at the bottom....
  15. That's great news. Just proves the theory that there's nothing really wrong with the state of chappies. Just the usual mix of bribary, corruption and incompetence. And Boyes Drive is a much nicer (but a bit slower) ride than Main Rd anyway.
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