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Max Headroom

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Posts posted by Max Headroom

  1. Did the trails again this week after being away for a month or so, and ...


    - Work done for the new single track on red route is awesome !


    - The new single track on green route - amazing !


    - Repairs on green route; down-hill switch-backs are superb !



    Thanks guys - these trails are magic !

  2. all these replies are about what you should have done ...


    Now, what you should do;-


    + Remove the 'removable valve core' from the valve stem


    + The valve pin has a little round-nut used to close the valve - Hold the valve core with a 'valve core removal tool' (or pliers) unscrew this ball and remove it (wil take a little effort - it is made not to come off)


    + now remove the valve pin from the core and clean it - and the inside of the core


    + place valve pin back into the core - and add the round-nut that keeps it from falling out


    +turn the round-nut in so that the valve pin just just shows as it comes through


    + hold the round-nut with pliers / or vice and use a hammer to knock the top of the pin - just a few knocks to create an edge - (like a rivet would do) - to prevent the round-nut from accidentally coming off next time you loosen it to inflate the tyre.


    Done ... I do it all the time ... piece of cake

  3. Was Dr Atkins fat or just bloated?

    By Caroline Overington

    New York Correspondent

    New York

    February 12, 2004


    Robert Atkins spent his life telling people they could eat fat and stay slim. But according to his medical records, the man behind the Atkins diet was obese at the time of his death.

    The medical records, leaked to the media yesterday, also showed that Dr Atkins had heart disease and hypertension, conditions that have been linked to high-fat diets.

    At first blush, the news has the potential to devastate the estimated 30 million followers of the counter-intuitive Atkins diet, which encourages people to eat a diet high in protein (such as red meat) but low in carbohydrates (cereals, pasta and rice).

    But Dr Atkins's medical report was released by an organisation that has long campaigned against his diet. It opposes consumption of meat and promotes a vegan diet as a way of preventing cancer.

    The medical report, leaked to The Wall Street Journal, shows that Dr Atkins, at 1.83 metres, weighed 116 kilograms last year. This would have given him a score of 35 under the body mass index calculation, used across the world to define whether a person is of healthy weight or not. Under the BMI, a score of 25 defines one as overweight. Over 30 and you are obese.




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