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  1. WOW - not good news being a rather bold and forward person myself - I would be mowing down the doors at Rotary Claremont, Pedal Power and the Argus Cycle Trust to find that bike. Somebody should have some idea which marshals were stationed where. In the event that the marshal concerned or someone else who may have taken custody of the bike is of "ill repute" - I would notify some cycle shops with the description just in case someone tries to sell it. Good Luck - hope you get it back
  2. Definately cannot claim from PPA. There is some intrinsic indemnity somewhere. Only possible recourse is if you can proove negligence on their part - and thats going to cost a lot more money - rather spend it on the bike
  3. I've tried to get my other half in on this discussion as I think many cyclists would benefit from his experience with bicycle insurance. However you think your claim is going to settled - be prepared for disappointment. In his case we are talking about a R49000 bike, where the frame, saddle and 1 wheel was destroyed in a cycle race. The bike was 5 months old. Firstly the assessor took so long to put in his report that the only available frame in his size got sold in the meantime. The supplier has since pulled out of the country, so by the time the insurer got their ducks sorted, no frame was available locally. They were not prepared to import a frame, but then were only prepared to pay out on the price quoted for the frame since sold to someone else. The damaged wheel was rebuilt. After much haggling they paid out the difference between the quoted price and the price originally paid for the frame (which was more). They did not pay for the rebuild of undamaged components onto another frame. The only way we would have benefitted from insurance was if the entire bike was detroyed beyond repair or stolen. And for good measure - this claim took 9/10 weeks to be settled. In contrast Discovery paid for my husbands entire hospitalisation bill of R130 000 (from the accident that caused the damage to the bike) no questions asked. Fortunately, my husband is still recovering from the crash, so he hasn't really missed his rather nice new carbon bike, which we now cannot really afford to replace to its original stature.
  4. Would just like to show support for your thread DeltaOscar! Ignore the counter-wingers - I got a few of those for winging about cyclists going through red lights. Threads like these wouldn't get the views if everybody nodded in agreement, so just let them bring it on. And to those trying to keep to the rules - please keep it up.
  5. Dear Smile and Wave - this isn't going to cheer you up but - I've been cycling recreationally for 5 years and I've never been able to loose weight from cycling - only to keep it at bay. I always have to do some work on the food intake side to get weight off. My husband on the other hand looses weight every year in the run-up to the Argus but the you have to look at the mileage and intensity at which he trains - I would never be able to sustain that - even if I gave up my job. In fact most normal people are simply not genetically predisposed to that level and intensity of training on the upper side of the 40's. I was a couch potatoe before I took up cycling so I cannot speak for the 20 and 30 somethings But do keep it up - I've never felt better 5 years on
  6. Where's Scotty? - out to get diet coke and popcorn again?
  7. wow - that must be a very small couch...
  8. My husband informs me that these kind of threads are frequent on the Hub. I apologise. I wasn't aware that complaining about other cyclists conduct was such a hot and touchy topic. I don't really spend that much time on the Hub - I'm too busy keeping the economy of the <?: prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Western Cape going n the absence of Spinnekop, Big H and all the other ?foreigners? who keep the coffers here topped up. But please - you guys (even if you do drive a BMW) are always welcome down here - we do need your money - but please keep the visits short (and stop at red lights) - I'd hate our economy to improve too much - then not only would my view of the mountain be obscured - so would my view of the sea - and that spare parking bay would have to go - wouldn't be able to afford it. Spinnekop - I hope today goes better for you. Yours in cycling....<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />
  9. First traffic light - on Dimension Data hill, 2nd - Plattekloof Road/Hendrik Verwoerd intersection - Plattekloof area
  10. Besides........ This whole "muddying thing"......very stupid to critisize your own "specie"........ And EACH and EVERY time this ends up in a 20 pager........ So stop bitching about cyclist on a cycling website and rather bitch about motorist or Man with no Name's hair style..... I'm sorry but your logic confuses me - I don't regard these cyclists as being "one of my own" - I would rather they kept off the roads or took up a different sport - I don't wish to be seen in same light - same reason I don't drive a BMW (sorry - couldn't resist that) I was calling for a display of some class - this kind of conduct falls way short of that.
  11. The Argus is comming and the silly season has begun.... On the way home from the gym this morning at 7.30 am (bike's in for repairs) I saw three cyclists motor through a red light without even slowing. Lo and behold they did the same at the next, somewhat larger and busier intersection. One guy was so intent on following his mate thru - he didn't notice a bakkie about to turn in front of him. If he had been knocked down - guess who would have been in trouble. And the entire scene had a sizable audience of disapproving motorists. I was so embarressed and rather angry (and glad I was in a car) Come on folks - the next 2 months are mayhem here in Cape Town with motorists and cyclists at frequent loggerheads - we don't need these displays of arrogance, stupidity and anything else you may like to call it. Lets show a little class and have some observation of the rules.
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