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Mr Winter

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  1. Hey guys Hope everyone is keeping well and running strong, Does anyone have or know of someone that has a Wanderers 10km entry they are looking at selling?
  2. Run in your new shoes with the old in soles from your old shoe maybe? Glad you are making it to the start!!
  3. This irritates me beyond believe, but I have learnt to accept it
  4. I'm feeling the same at the moment, just need to get through these last couple of days. To top it all off everyone in the office is sick and i'm acting like Sheldon Cooper trying to stay away from all the germs.
  5. No man that really sucks, I hope by some chance you are still able to run on the 10th
  6. Top 5 finish for me before I start tapering, I'll take it I see a lot of the big guns are already tapering, I managed to make the top 10 on Randburg Harriers Strava group and you normally need 120km + to make the top 10.
  7. I've never done the normal route but enjoyed the reverse, I took it very chilled at comrades pace. I would hate to race the route though think it would be extremely tough if you push for a good time.
  8. If the sore throat decides to leave me alone will do a easy race pace 34km tomorrow with the club and then maybe the Pirates reverse 21km on Sunday if the legs are feeling up to it. Then its TAPER time!!!
  9. Wow that is actually scary, strava estimates i'll be finished in under 9 hours
  10. According to my training schedule I start tapering on the 14th of May so i'll have a 4 week taper session. I still have pretty high millage scheduled for the first week so although its a 4 week taper, week 1 doesn't really count. If that makes any sense.
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