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Posts posted by Scooterza

  1. Betamax was a far more superior product to VHS, but VHS became the standard in video tape in the 70's and 80's. The answer to why is that it was used by the Porn industry and was supplied to this industry for virtually no cost. Maybe GoPro is secretly supplying the porn industry as well :)

    Ah - now I know why they supply you with a helmet mount! :whistling:

  2. Let me start by saying I ride in the lower leagues so take this from that poitn of view. But I have always maintained that I will suck wheel for as long as the guy in front doesn't move out and to the side. ie - it is not my responsibility to overtake the leader to take the front. That person must move over when tired and I will then gladly do my bit.

  3. I have sportstracker - works very well and gives great graphs etc and a record of all your rides/runs/whatever. Be aware that the Sportstracker belt ONLY works with their software (which is not clearly indicated on their site). I ordered from them and got the belt in about 10 days I think. Wasn't too pricey either as I recall.


    I think if I had a choice again, I would try to get a generic HRM belt that works with Eg endomondo or any other software. But that's purely because I HATE being forced to do something one way (which I why I have an android phone not an apple). So the sportstracker stuff is actually good and in reality I am happy just using this.

  4. The ONLY time I am not happy to wear cleats is over VERY technical stuff where I would like to have the option to put down my foot FAST and the extra half second it takes to uncleat makes me nervous. But the rest to of the time the extra power and control that cleats afford is great.

  5. I will definitely give you guys a shot. My impression (and experience) has always been that SW bike section is for the guy/gal that does the odd ride of maybe 5 to 10km every few weeks/months and just needs a basic ride, basic gear etc.


    But sounds like you are changing this so like I said, I will pop in. Love checking gear out anyways....

  6. I am guessing they did that interview at the end BEFORE he attempted all these flips. There were no missing teeth and broken nose. Eish - I admire those guys that fall (hard) and try again. I am all for trying but if I face plant, I lose my enthusiasm quite seriously! I guess that's why there are no videos of me doing epic things on Youtube!!

  7. I have to say I get what Crackberry is saying. If even ONE person stops and gets off their bike to push, this very quickly becomes a big bottleneck which makes everyone have to get off. And after standing and pushing your bike with a mass of people you get to the obstacle to find it's a little root across the path or something - or a minor bump etc. Very frustrating!


    Also, if you do get off your bike to push, maybe consider pushing to the SIDE of the trail to give those that wish to pass a possible chance to do so. I have experienced it that a person gets off at a technical section and then pushes their bike smack bang in the middle so there is not enough space left or right to overtake. If they just moved over a bit, then others could get through.


    Those that are commenting that you should get there earlier so you are in the lead groups are not being fair - I have had it many times that I start with riders of similar fitness whose technical abilities are not what you would expect with their fitness levels and these guys & gals just get off at the first bit of rock garden or bump. Sometimes I could have ridden over that section but end up walking because of this.

  8. Well don't buy one then... Although I would dig to have a 94 cannondale, they cost R4000 new bback then. I used to dream of owning one

    Look, you're right. The problem is, some poor schmuck thinks wow, bargain and buys it. Ok, maybe the seller is also a schmuck who is selling his bike at what he THINKS is a fair price. He bought the thing in 2004 for R5000, so he figures a reduction of R1100 for 8 years is reasonable.


    You see it on the hub too where guys ask too much for a 2nd hand bike. To my mind, a bike drops maybe 25% off its retail price the moment it becomes 2nd hand and then drops maybe another 20%, 15%, 10% etc over the next few years (assuming "standard" wear and tear). So a 3 year old bike that was purchased for R20000 is worth no more than around R8000 - R10000. Doesn't matter if it is in "mint" condition. The technology moves on, and warranties etc have expired.

  9. As far as I am concerned,if you ride in a bunch,whether male or female,you should take your turn up front.Unfortunately there are thousands of cyclists that will never take their turn but very happy to sit in the bunch.

    I have to agree. If you want to run with the big dogs, don't tjank like a puppy. But here's my thought on riding in a bunch. It is the responsibility of the person in the front to drop off the lead if he/she is tired. They should then drop back into the back of the bunch for a rest. If some testosterone monkey wants to lead the bunch for 10km's until he/she blows, then I will happily accept the easy ride.

  10. Ooooohhhhhh don't get me started! Roadies and MTB, doesn't matter! they are all guilty. At the Xterra a week ago, there were sachets lying all over teh place. My view is that if you HAVE to drop your sachet, at least do it within 20m of the start/finish or a drink station. Otherwise, put it into your pocket.


    The CLASSIC response when you suggest to someone that dropping their sachet was a bad idea is "That's why I pay an entry fee"! FFS! Genius! :cursing: How stupid can you get!!?? And do these einsteins think that the race organisers will find each and every sachet that some w&*^*nker dropped into the bushes?


    From my point of view, they should send these "wonderful" people a letter telling them why not to litter and suggesting that they have a serious rethink about this attitude. I am not sure what more can be done really but perhaps keep a record of the guy and if he repeat offends, ban him from racing in PPA events.


    As you can see, it irks me just a little! Now to go do my deep breathing exercises.

  11. Enjoyed it but was totally finished at the end. Had nothing more to give. Cannot comprehend how the top guys can do it that fast! Just amazing (and kinda depressing!)


    My only complaint was the start times - in a part of the world where it gets that hot, to start at 9.45 where you KNOW the back markers will take 5+ hours to finish is just lunacy. Also, they should have had sunblock available at eg the drink stations due to the late start. I lathered myself in sunblock before the start and still burned the hell out of my neck and shoulders. Actually stopped at the medic tent to put more sunblock on because I could feel I was burning. I guess the first leg washed most of my sunblock off and what was left got washed off by the sweat.


    But that race is not for sissies. I trained for this and I was well and truly done by the end.

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